Opposite Behaviors ? Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks, Antarctic Grows


Wokkonno XP
Jul 15, 2011
September 2012 witnessed two opposite records
concerning sea ice.

Two weeks after the Arctic Ocean's ice cap experienced an
all-time summertime low for the satellite era, Antarctic sea
ice reached a record winter maximum extent.

But sea ice in the Arctic has melted at a much faster rate
than it has expanded in the Southern Ocean.


More Info Here:


Sources: NASA
Most human & industrial activity is in the northern hemisphere.
China has no coal plants in the Andes...... It's only a guess.
Neither place is on my travel plans...no place for girls in bikinis.
Every major problem on this planet comes back to one factor:

Too many people.

Zero Population Growth (ZPG) need not mean no children.
Limiting two children per couple (1 for 1) maintains a baseline.
Accidents, illness, disaster, reduces the overall population.
Things will eventual improve.

Be responsible, for future generations.


And use a bloody condom !