Original post dates with thread headers


Surfing Ninja
Mar 1, 2007
I think it would be really helpful to somehow include the date of the original post next to the poster's name below the thread title.
Anyone agree?
In the case of torrents, I think it would help people see what's new and what's not. Though it only takes a click to see the date of the post. I don't know if it's worth the effort? (completely oblivious when it comes to coding and such)
It's above your nickname and fairly good already. Could use a better color, white is almost unnoticable, because the background is light green.
It's above your nickname and fairly good already. Could use a better color, white is almost unnoticable, because the background is light green.

He's talking about before you have to click it, e.g. in a sub-forum, browsing the list of torrent threads.


I agree, right now the only way I check what's new and what's isn't is by looking at the number of thread views. Less views = more likely new. But that's sketchy and I'm afraid I'd might miss something and I always re-visit threads I needn't re-check accidentally... but that's how I have to go through threads.

Some easily noticeable way to absolutely indentify if the thread is new without having to click the thread itself would reduce unnecessary traffic...

The best two ways are either:
putting the original thread post date viewable in the subforum(like mentioned by jezbzz)


putting an option in user preferences to either view sub forums by thread start date, or view forums by latest reply date. So both Nazis and Socialists can get what they want.
It's already a feature, you just haven't noticed.

In the forum display, scroll to the bottom left of the screen and select how you want to view it.


Note: You can't sort like this when you query "new posts" because you're querying "new posts"

I am going to write a custom page for a "new threads" query soon. It's on my site 'to do' list.
yeah... but then I have to click thrice every time... and that's too much work O.o

So putting a "Today ##:##" "Yesterday ##:##" & "##-##-####" by the thread starter's name in the sub-forum isn't going to happen?
It's already a feature, you just haven't noticed.

In the forum display, scroll to the bottom left of the screen and select how you want to view it.

You're absolutely right, I must have been distracted by something else... ;)

Thanks for the tip, it's a very useful feature.

Keep up the good work!