Other porn discussion sites?

you might like: http://forum.scanlover.com

there was a time many years ago when i thought of it as 'the other forum'. and whenever akiba went down (and akiba used to go up and down like the people on the bus), i'd go to scanlover to find out if it was down for others or if it was only me or if the cybercops were on the way or what. it doesn't seem as active as it used to be and the overlap with the membership here seems to have dwindled. but there are still many threads and posts and opinions if akiba isn't enough for you. there are even a few naked you-know-who's. i think you have to join to access the forum, but that is easy and painless.
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Would be nice to know one focused into beast stuff.

mostly dogs and horses. they used to have eels, octopi, and whales. those seem to have disappeared... something about endangered species.

Hey, thank you. However, I meant for discussion and such. I like to collect unleaked material, so I buy, sell and trade with other people who may have new videos :)

I only collect women > animals, also.
Hey, thank you. However, I meant for discussion and such...

oops. my mistake. we all… well, nevermind. discussion. hmmm, that’s a tough nut. it’s like a girl i once knew. she rather enjoyed being a prostitute. she just didn’t want the neighbors to know. similarly, you can find stuff starring the friendly beasts, but no one wants to talk about it. not a popular topic round the dinner table. and it’s been my online experience that when i have, even obliquely, broached the subject, normally degenerate perverted posters suddenly give up their places in the bukkake line in order to come say “shame on you”. (vegetarians all, i guess.) so i’m afraid that this is the most verbiage that you’ll get out of me. i will have nothing more to say.

and neither will my pet bonobo.
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