PC game question


Apr 27, 2008
Hello, i am totally new to PC game. My question here is if i want to play PC game do i just need to download and open the file to start the game? Or do i need to install any specific programme to play a PC game?
I second that question - I've got heaps of file folders from downloaded games via torrents or direct downloads but not the ghost of a notion of what to do with them. Google searches only confuse and confound the problem. A step-by-step simple how-to would be a million-seller.

Thanks in advance.
Yes, yes, yes! We all have to start somewhere and the highly technical advice in some forums only confuses newbies. What do we have to do to play a downloaded H-game from this site?
almost missed this thread completely. to both of you i suggest choosing one game 1st and tell me the title and the specific thread were u got it from. i'll see what i can do
Thanks in advance - the games are "Hako" (Illusion), and Noesis Marble Bloomers. Both are big files.

I've downloaded Daemon Tools and Alcohol 120% and tried all manner of combinations with them but ... zilch. What program do we open them with?
"Open" is such a broad term. ^^;

If they're inside of a .rar or .zip, you'll want an archive extraction program like WinRAR.
If they're inside of a .7z or other unorthodox archive file, you might want to try 7-Zip instead.

Once the game is no longer archived (if ever it was), you'll want to load either the .iso or the .cue file that you see. And you're going to want to load it in Daemon Tools (or Alcohol 120%, or programs like them). What you need to do is mount it to the fictional drive Daemon Tools has created.

Once the game is mounted, if it was designed to AutoPlay (most discs are), it should automatically do one of two things:
(1) prompt you to install the game, or
(2) open up the disc's root directory inside Windows Explorer (or whatever directory explorer you have)
Otherwise, open the disc's root directory yourself (which would be X:\, where X is the letter of the virtual drive you have created in Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%)

If it prompts you to install, then great: balance doing as you like with doing as it tells you to ;D and it should work out. If it doesn't prompt you to install, try searching for "INSTALL," "SETUP," or similarly-named files. If you can't find these, consider searching for any executable (.exe) which has all or some of the letters from the title of the PC game in it (e.g. "twnship3.exe" for a hypothetical game called Township 3: the Fall of Gorn).

Sorry if you knew all this already. But like I said, your request is pretty broad, so I have to start from the bottom and work my way up. ^^;
First of all if you are new to using ISO as files from disk, you should not use deamon tools at all.
It just complicates the issue more IMHO.
(I'm a developer myself and it confuses me, of course not only confused... Daemon tools have a driver in it which may conflict with other things on your system such as Alcohol 120, MagicISO and more, besides sometimes setting of Spybot Search And Destroy in odd manners. Maybe less now than in previous versions.)

Try the simplest of all tools first.


I removed this reply as I added a sticky to the top of the Games Discussion forum threads about all of this.


I hope you all find it helpful.