Perfect World (Chinese Wow) in English and its FREE


New Member
Mar 19, 2007
Perfect World, like many other MMORPGs, allows the user to control their avatar utilising the WASD keys or a click-to-move interface.

Perfect World is a MMORPG developed by Beijing Perfect World Co.,Ltd. and published by Cubinet Interactive Sdn. Bhd. Perfect World is set in the world of Pangu where three major tribes, Humans, Winged Elves and Werebeasts coexist. It is a world of magic and high fantasy featuring the Chinese creation myth as its backdrop and leveraging on a rich and diverse oriental setting.

Character Classes

Each character and class in Perfect World has unique abilities to fly, trek, and swim in different areas. It is possible to engage in Player versus player combat across any type of terrain.

Classes are named using the format Original-English. This difference is due to the original names being created for the original Asian Clients. The new English names are the official changes from Perfect World (MY) to appeal to an international audience. Unlike common depictions of each class, most classes are available for either gender.


You can join me in Delphi server if you wish to. PM me for in game nick
I would not call it Chinese WoW. Only thing close to WoW might be how the world look.

Characters look much better, it's Quests that give xp not mobs, it's PK, build your own world & house, you can fly, it's more fantasy-dream-world then Orcs and Gandalf.

It's also slow action not fast like in WoW. It's far away from WoW.

I say this so people don't get angry if they try it out. ^^,

You can download the game here (English version) and find more info about it:

Have fun!

Hmmn, this looks alright. I'm sick of playing nothing but L2 clones, and Pangya ;P
I'll give it a go when I get home from work.
I'll join Delphi too, too attempt to subtract from RONERY :D
ive played perfect world, the character graphics are godly imo. only sad part is that the english server is in malayasia so i get lag, it takes my character 5 secs later to hit a target after it reaches it >.> and also the game would be better if there was more variety to the weapons, armors, etc, this is one that that most mmos dont really have except in their cash shops