Physical health and excercise


New Member
Mar 15, 2023
Hey guys, I was just wondering what type of health spectrum members of the board are. I am in my mid 50s and learned as one gets older physical strength declines without proper eating habits and excercise. I am 150 pounds lean. Wash board abs, and very good strength for my age group. My routines include Weight , calestenics, and cardio 6 to 7 days a week.

I also found out that proper training helps aid in ED too. So I took training seriously for both reasons. No man can afford to being in bad shape and suffer from ED.

Then being healthy helps to recover from sickness quicker too.
Am much younger than you but I do want to exercise more, my biggest issue is time, so I do exercise at home
Mostly some weight lifting, I need to do more cardio to reduce bodyfat, but except from playing hatsune miku boxing on switch I don't do much :p.

I'm considering getting a treadmill, but I have a fairly limited space and I don't know if a small one is worth it