Please enable editing of posts


DE-JAV Fans Schreibt mir!
Apr 5, 2013
Deutschland (Stichtag 2019-07-29)
Dear Admin

The only thing I do no like on this great community is the inability to edit own posts permanently.

This way it is impossible to:

- edit dead links
- fix spelling mistakes.
- create a wiki-style topic where one can successively add info to the same post
- update obsolete information without spammnig with a new reply
- remove false information that was learned afterwards
- remove posts one no longer wishes replies for
- etc, etc

Any chance you could enable this feature?

Thank you for the consideration.
responding in order of asked

edit dead links - you can edit your own posts, always an on going process

Wiki style topic - thinking of what can be and best way to be done

fix spelling mistakes - I will assume you mean other members mistakes, 2 options 1 report it, and/or add a post with the correct spelling

obsolete information - not sure what you mean by obsolete, but if it was correct at that time, then the date of the post will confirm that, but if it is an update, then it is better to add that information in another post, so the first is not lost, and add confusion

false information - (the most annoying) (if I find it I normally delete it ) can do the same as spelling mistakes

remove posts one no longer wishes replies for - not sure which ones you are talking about, if you are referring the chat ones, then they just go to the bottom of the page, no one has to look

etc, etc - no idea how to respond to that

always open to improve
I have not heard about that, will try to check