Premium Users Only files


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
there has been a lot of premium only files being posted lately, the complaints are getting out of control, so for a start we will request for premium only posts be issued along side free user posts,

we will delete any posts as from now that are premium only, and if it continues we do have the power to add infractions to the repeated offenders

Please help us to make it a successful and pleasant journey for all,


00.01 Saturday 29 September 2012 GMT

It is becoming annoying that some members are restricting the amount of free files to be had, and leaving the premium links only, AS FROM THIS MESSAGE, all posts will be deleted if only premium links are left 00.01 2012 09 29 GMT, and if it does not stop infractions and suspensions will be issued thank you all for your help in this matter

CoolKevin :tea:
Good move, as there is so many poster that only share single link only is their post which are forcing the downloader to buy a premium account, esspecially ryushare one.
great action for those (including me) that don't have premium accounts...
I was about to write a thread about this problem, but our mods were faster, good job! :bow-pray:
A very important and much-needed action by coolkevin & the mods and administrators to curb activity that was corroding the character of Akiba-Online.

I started a thread about this problem over six months ago ( and warned that it would spiral out-of-control as it now has. One does not have to look very far to find boards that have collapsed under the greedy, deceptive and exploitative behavior of premium-only posters.

Big thanks to CK and all the mods who undertook this action as well as to those who complained. Nice job!
great rule!

I'm fully behind this, but please keep an eye out for innocence
too. Like with me, I'm premium with 5-6 hosts and if something
I posted was premium only, I'd be the last to know because I,
of course have no need to download my own files. Some hosts
say that files over 200 are premium only, because free users are
only allowed 100MB at a time. it's a good warning so the downloader
doesn't waste his time.
May I suggest a list of what hosts would consider - premium only?
I read before that bitshare switches premium only on and off randomly.
I imagine that it was because of certain files sizes instead.
I can say for sure that filemates is premium only for files over 100MB.

Thx ssss
Now if we could just get people to stop using uploadto exclusively. That file host is blocked in a certain country.
Sorry for this would be out of topic

Now if we could just get people to stop using uploadto exclusively. That file host is blocked in a certain country.

blocked or blocks ?

I've heard that will blocks US connection, but until now they are not blocks connection from US
I've test it by my self and can download and upload from US

can you tell me which country that closing connection to

and still, its not the uploader fault if your country or any other country policy didnt allowing any file host. Are you gonna blame all file hosting if you cannot open any file hosting site from 0-Z. And then you suddenly says "Please close direct download forum as my country cannot download from any file hosting" ? :scared:
Now if we could just get people to stop using uploadto exclusively. That file host is blocked in a certain country.

I see nothing to do about, unless they block more countries. After all it is the USA who started the fire...
This may solve the problem a little bit but we do need the strict implementation of this rule. Imroper implementation and unbias judgement is one of the nastiest problem in this forum. Nobody wants a change drastically within this forum.
This may solve the problem a little bit but we do need the strict implementation of this rule. blah blah yadda yadda

yeah, because having people downloading a text file named "PLZ buy premium" which contains 1 link and several lines with the same begging attempt is waaaaaayyyy better, right?
oh wait, then there's another call to charity in the signature, because why the hell not, the more the better!

i didn't want to reply , because i recently become one of them one-linker, but when a new rule is introduced hypocrisy always reaches dangerous levels
I noticed that some file hosts like filepost for example have limited free user download where if a certian number of free users download it then it basically becomes a premium user only link.

This little message will show-

"The file owner has limited free downloads of this file. Thus a premium membership is required to download this file."

But its not all the links that does this. For example in this post parts 1,2, and 4 are for free users but you need a premium to download part 3. I do not know if this is just a coincidence or if the poster is trying a backdoor approach to posting premium users only files. But thats not the only link, in this post parts 1,2,3,5 and 6 are for free users but part 4 is for premium users. It seems rather odd that only 1 file part has a free user limit and the other file parts don't.
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Good post coolkevin! Thanks for saying something. :relief:

And to add to this point:
I've got 4 active premium accounts at different hosts and still can't get many of the files being posted in the download section because so many are being hosted on rare unpopular sites like these two:
hehe, well I've never heard of these two till just today, maybe they "are" popular. So I guess I'm talking through my other end. But I mean seriously how many accounts do we really need.
Being that there are hundreds of hosts out there, if everyone started deviating from the norm, no one would get anything, or possibly go broke from having 20 accounts.

I really really wish we could all settle on 3 or 4 max.
Half these other hosts don't even deserve the business . Like the hosts that don't let you grab files free or make you jump through hoops only to find out that you still can't get the file after you played games with their captias. Grrr
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Good post coolkevin! Thanks for saying something. :relief:

And to add to this point:
I've got 4 active premium accounts at different hosts and still can't get many of the files being posted in the download section because so many are being hosted on rare unpopular sites like these two:
hehe, well I've never heard of these two till just today, maybe they "are" popular. So I guess I'm talking through my other end. But I mean seriously how many accounts do we really need.
Being that there are hundreds of hosts out there, if everyone started deviating from the norm, no one would get anything, or possibly go broke from having 20 accounts.

I really really wish we could all settle on 3 or 4 max.
Half these other hosts don't even deserve the business . Like the hosts that don't let you grab files free or make you jump through hoops only to find out that you still can't get the file after you played games with their captias. Grrr

I agree with you, but our biggest problem is some countries do not allow certain filehosters, and everyday there seems to be a new one, and the same goes that they also go down very quickly, also there are some very good ones for free users, we are aware of the problem, and we are waiting for things to settle down a bit, I know this does not help right now, but there is a thread about filehosters, mostly about the free ones