

Mar 11, 2009
This the other one of the Rama series

Title: Bi Shou Jo Anime Rama: Miyuki-chan SOS - H Shichauzo - (微・笑・女あにめラマ「ミユキちゃんSOS-Hしちゃうゾ-」)
Date: 1989-08
Studio: Pyramid Video [Tairiku Shobou (大陸書房)]
Length: ?

As with Sexy Anime Rama, this is a mix of animation and live-action. This should be the easiest one to find as I found what seems to be a hash for Share.


And a small review.


According to what I understand, it is not particulary good. Stil, it's old ero-anime.
share reports a bad hash, is it something different to share?
It's a MD5 hash for Winny, Share or Perfect Dark. But after a closer inspection, the hash does not seem reliable, as the filesize for that hash is reported as 0. At least the filename in the hash DB should be correct or similar. The file was also available in some filehost some time ago, it seems. I hope that at least one of these Rama OVA is available.
share reports a bad hash, is it something different to share?

The hash is for Winny, that's why. Which means it will take a looooooong time to download.

Ho, I just found a LD cover for Beast City III :defeat:
ha, mine is... (or better another one, your´s seem to be from the LD, mine is from VHS, got it months ago already, but would have preferred to get the file instead...)...

淫魔大都市 BEAST CITY Ⅲ 淫魔蘇生編 demon revival compilation