[R]自主トレ…なのか!? 菜乃花(WBDV-0120)


New Member
May 25, 2014
Nanoka WBDV-0120 has been out for few months but still no downloads. I see YOUIV is selling around $20. Anyone interested? I can paypal you $20 and you can help me buy and we'll share it together.


Her old IV video screenshots

What? Did you just mass message this to everyone on the site? Not interested, thanks.

No I didn't message everyone, just 8 ppl that I see are last active on the forum

Sorry, was I not suppose to do that?

I just want to see if anyone is interested and can help me buy from youiv since I don't read chinese.
No. What you should do is post in the regular request forum and say in the post that you're willing to pay for it.
Thanks for the reply, I was actually hoping to get it cheaper and prefer to download than to get the physical DVD. I saw many IV from youiv here so I thought it's okay.
I was actually hoping to get it cheaper and prefer to download than to get the physical DVD.

When you arrange the purchase through desioner, you don't get the physical dvd. He purchases the disc, rips it, does an encode and then posts the DVDISO file and the encode as a torrent. If you can't download torrents, someone else will no doubt grab it and post it in the downloads section. Plus, you can always ask a couple of other members to split the cost with you, and if some are willing then . . . . . bingo! :blink:
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