[R] Watermarked hentai anime makes me depressed


New Member
Jun 12, 2010
Hi everyone.

I'm looking for two animes without logo for two weeks.

OVA ピスはめ! 1 - pisu hame 1
ツンデレ淫乱少女すくみ 2 - Tsundere Inran Shoujo Sukumi 2

Actually this was already shared in Akiba-Online but the threads was all dead.

I wish someone shares them for god's sake.
1) ask elgringo, why "threads" dead.
2) propose something, what can be interest to me. And i maybe give you this titles.
1) ask elgringo, why "threads" dead.
2) propose something, what can be interest to me. And i maybe give you this titles.

So, what do u want? :puzzled:

I'm not heavy collector but I'll try if acceptable

I can get anime, H-anime, manga or H-game except old one.

Among them, to get anime seems to easy. BD, OVA etc.

H-thing, u seem expert but I'll try.

Thanks for fast contact.
it will be so fcking hard xD
   (( (#゚Д゚) ))
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I'm not "expert" in ero-ero. I'm, やらしい外国の神よ。
I don't need anything from Japan. I have all what I want or have interest. And I don't have interest to a "anime" because all titles what right now out shit. binbogani, seem interest, but include a NIGER. so Fuck this shit.
Since you collect ero ero, small example →
To lazy extract DVDISO.

ん、 i now search one gaikou creator works, his name roninsong, i know it's shame, and elgringo will poke me when see this.
If you can get latest his work, i will share with you 新禁アニメとうんこ。

yes, it;s is a flash thing. and you give me link on my own upaldo, i uped in web ai subeki 1-10.
buti don't have member shit any more. so i want fresh flash, ithink it's must be a "eddy bear 4"