Last October, Roku announced the sunsetting of non-certified channels, which will occur on February 23, 2022.
This means that customers will no longer be able to install or launch non-certified channels (Including channel).
Pornography, which some non-certified channels were, is against Roku’s restrictions (Terms of Service) placed on public channels. For this reason, we are sadly to inform you that channel will not longer be available on ROKU from February 23, 2022.
For more information and ways to watch our content on your TV please read our article on NEWS.

This means that customers will no longer be able to install or launch non-certified channels (Including channel).
Pornography, which some non-certified channels were, is against Roku’s restrictions (Terms of Service) placed on public channels. For this reason, we are sadly to inform you that channel will not longer be available on ROKU from February 23, 2022.
For more information and ways to watch our content on your TV please read our article on NEWS.