Rapey, almost-pedophile fake Jav...can it actually influence people?


New Member
Oct 11, 2020
I like rapey fake porn but I never r***ing nor do I have any intention of raping anyone. I'm quite vanilla in real life. And I'm gay so certainly never thought of preying on young girls...but I do like some of those Jav.

I was thinking...considering how young looking they make some of these actresses look...and considering Japan's pervert fascination with this type of adult material...does anyone know the statistics on Japan's arrest of pedophiles per year? I was just wondering...if it is lower than in other countries then either a) There may be lots of pedophiles there indeed but the police doesn't pursue those criminals hard enough or don't care enough or b) The rapey, schoolgirl fetish porn culture doesn't affect or translate into actual crimes on real life. Meaning most Japanese understand the difference between fiction and real-life.

I do know that porn can influence certain people but it's like that old violent video games question...I've played lots of those and never, not once did I think about even purchasing a gun. I hate guns. But shooter games can be fun. But games do not feature real actors so I don't know if it's the right comparison.

I'm just throwing it out there...if anybody has statistics on child molestation/child r*** crimes committed in Japan compared to other countries let me know, I do find this interesting.
Age of consent is super low and laws focus on preventing exploitation. So yes rapey pedophiles will go to prison but society's idea of "sincere relations" is extremely wide compared to every other developed country.
You mentionned that video games don't show real people. I have a good example : horror movies. I really like them. I watched some really disturbing ones. However, I never killed anyone lol. I just like it because it's fiction. If you don't have any mental health problem, horror movies or JAV will not infuence your behaviour. In JAV, I like vanilla stuff but some of the actresses I like look like even more younger than typical asian girls. It doesn't mean I would date a minor. If the girl isn't 18, it's a no.
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Age of consent is super low and laws focus on preventing exploitation. So yes rapey pedophiles will go to prison but society's idea of "sincere relations" is extremely wide compared to every other developed country.
I thought the age of consent in Japan was 18 ?
Exploitation would be 18, so sex work - very very illegal. Personal affairs, much more of a grey area.

So that's the context for 18 year olds wearing uniforms.
The answers is like most similar questions, it's a spectrum. It's not a binary yes or no. I think most people don't get affected. a few percentage got affected to some degree, a miniscule percentage are affected quite a bit.
No. Porn isn't incitement to crime. But if you were under the impression that it didn't have some influence, I have a bridge to sell you. That's why people watch it in the first place - it's fantasy.
Some still think everything in JAV movies is real though.
I'm gay so certainly never thought of preying on young girls...but I do like some of those Jav.

This statement is quite interesting. Since you are gay (assuming male attracted to males), what do you like about this JAVs? Does watching them turn you on sexually? Is it the scenario that turns you on or the girl?

Do you put yourself mentally in the "place" of the guy doing things to the girl? I think that this is the mentally of most straight males when they watch porn so I'm wondering how that works for you.
Not for me. Fantasy and reality is an absolute different universe. I'm not expecting to hadoken a storm trooper on my way to a real
life 7-11...