Requesting Donations.


Sustaining L.I.F.E.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 22, 2006
Hi all akiba members,
As this is a general request to all members I've decided to place it here in the chatterbox. There really is no other proper place that I feel it belongs. Unfortunately for me I made a huge mistake while trying to do some maintenance on my seeding PC 2 weeks ago. I'm also limited to my purchase options living here in Japan. I'm currently aiming my sites at a generic bottom of the line PC by Acer. Not a pice of shit but no top model by far. Just something that will suffice for the needs I have. The price point is quite low at only $400. Of course if I get more donations than I ask for I can think about smaller upgrades to the memory and or processor. At any rate, I've created a chip-in page to help gauge and consolidate the donations. If you're interested in helping me out I'll happily accept anything you can give. If you'd like PM with questions or comments please do.
The event is finished Thanks to all who participated.
Accept my modest 2500 yen ($32 bucks) and be merry.
Let us remember we must support our NUMBER #1 enabler or suffer the pains of withdrawal.
I thank you whole heartedly SecretPal. Every little bit adds up and I hope to have the replacement this month so that the special orders can continue.
Just donated 10% of what you requested. Hopefully you'll reach your goal in time, but if you're a little short, hit me up.

Thanks again for your service :cheer::cheer::cheer:
The Chip-In even has ended and I was able to collect 30% of what I needed using it. There were some other members that were able to donate with using the chip-in page brining the total to just under 50%. Thank you very much to all members that helped me with this. THe computer will be purchased next week and should be at my place ready to upload in less than a month. If you'd still like to help me I'm more than happy to accept late donations. Please feel free to PM me about it.