Requests only after a minimum of posts?


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
Some sites have certain rules reg. a minimum of posts before you can make a request or they say you have to be a regular member first.

I think there are quite a lot of people atm logging in for only one request or identification question as their first post at all to use the knowledge of AO members only. Instead of using the search engine first or just looking they cannot even see threads on the first page of a section because they prefer to just throw the request on to the forum, to take a look first is a much too big effort to be done. If they would continue to take part in forum discussions it would be o.k., but they vanish as fast as they appear and do never come back - or, on the other hand - they just continue to make requests for things they just found somewhere on net but do not want to look for themselves, the site they found it could be a pay site - instead of becoming a active member of AO...

I´m no friend of any restrictions at all, but I suggest a minimum of three or five posts before being allowed to make a torrent or identification request as a good method to prevent some people from showing such a behavior.

Perhaps I am alone with this opinion, but I don´t really think so...
I'd say sure, but the fact is, they don't pay attention to the request forums to begin with.

I mean, the discussion forums are chalk full of requests for example. Mod's would have to get rid of so many threads in there that can only be described as ignorant trolling really, to give them the smallest bit of credibility.

Honestly, because 90% of the threads are requests or just plain ridiculous for so many reasons I try very hard to not lash out in half of them.

Really can't deny that it doesn't bother me, but just is more part of the problem, not all of it, lol.
On the board that I help administer, we don't allow requests at all. We used to have a special area for requests, but had special rules that few if any people followed. The vast majority of offenders thought that the rules didn't apply to them and made their request anyway.

Thing is, even for the few requests that did happen to NOT violate the rules, mostly got ignored and were never filled anyway. If you make the hard rule that requests aren't allowed.... that might make things a little bit more manageable here. ;-)
Good point asianphreak. I was a little dissapointed when Javtalk dropped the requests. I haven't had any of mine directly filled but I've been able to find a few things that I have wanted. I hope that the requests stay but are tightly controled. I'm not sure how this can be implemented as I have little experience with BBS programming and setup but the next to last option is request forum police. I'd hate for it to get to that point but...
I do not want requests to be stopped, I´ve done some on my own too. For the section I am active in (Hentai-Anime) I look into Hentai requests at least once a day and I answer to the requests as good as I can. But it should be more controlled then. There is no police needed, the best way to handle a request made in the wrong section to get more attention is to simply ignore it or to give a special comment to it without giving reply to the question itself. Denamic´s "Do not post requests here" cannot be overlooked. Active members can have requests as much as they want, I just want those one time visitors with pay site requests to be stopped, they only want to know the name of a title to try to dl it from another site then. Or they are requesting something they could find by simply using the search engine but are too lazy to do...

AO is no restaurant, we are no waiters / waitresses to wait the guests at table who simply come by to sit down once and choose something from a menu card expecting we are serving them, we are no fried flying duck service either...
I know in one of my old forums you need at least 250 posts to make requests. Otherwise they will penalize you.
I don't know, it's not the requests themselves, was more the point of them spilling into every single forum really for me.

The 9 request forums, sure, gives a place for the inevitable requests. But not threads in almost every last forum ignoring them, heh.

But, it seems like the post count idea just wouldn't do much at this point either way. Will still get tons just plain ignoring it and if it was something like a certain post count to see the request forums, they would just post them elsewhere.
I am pro-restriction on requests. At the moment, I am only a leech here - I thank people for dl's, but I have not posted as of yet. (Actually, I just found the area where I could post the stuff I have [non-JAV asian films] but all my uploads were deactivated.)

On the site where I've done all my video posting, the amount of requests are out of control. The best ones are from people who say "I got this video and it was great - post more" - then you notice that they have no "Thanks" posted; they just download and run! These people are the scum of the earth, and man do I hate them.

Anyway, I may be way off topic here and apologize if I am. To answer the OP, I think there should be a minimum number of posts before requests can be made. As to what that number is...?
Bots and spammers can bypass post counts. They can't very well bypass registration dates. (Or rather, there's no point to it for the bot, and I doubt the typical spammer has that sort of patience, else he wouldn't be a spammer in the first place, n'est-ce pas?) So instead of a post count requirement, you could look into requiring a certain number of days to have passed since the member registered before he can submit a request.

Another alternative to consider is to restrict the number of times any given user can make a request within a 1-month time period. You could modify this with caveats as necessary, but fundamentally the principle of the idea is that you would limit repeat offenders' ability to spam up the discussion forums with requests.
I know what happens if a new Member needs a minimum number of posts.
In one of my favorite Forums, you need 15 posts to reach the Download Area.
Now guess what happens ? New Members post 15 stupid comments in a row,
bumping Zombie topics to the top and cluttering the list of "new posts".

How about a minimum Number of "Thanks" received ?
This should give better Results.
I know what happens if a new Member needs a minimum number of posts.
In one of my favorite Forums, you need 15 posts to reach the Download Area.
Now guess what happens ? New Members post 15 stupid comments in a row,
bumping Zombie topics to the top and cluttering the list of "new posts".

How about a minimum Number of "Thanks" received ?
This should give better Results.

This sounds like a good idea. It's like the community has said this person has made a contribution to the site. Enough worthwhile contributions that garner "thanks'" would make it fair to ask for something, I think.
I am also annoyed by requests from people with minimal posts. Those posts should be real contributions, not stupid "Thanks" -"cheers" - "whoohoo" etc bullshit just to bump post count.
......still haven't been actualized, for A site of this caliber A-O being too kind :XD:
d/l torrents without login : check
ddl without login : check
Requests without minimal post or thanked contribution : check :omg:

I want my fried rooster ! where's the waiter ?? I request a waiter !!! :lols:
I want my fried rooster ! where's the waiter ?? I request a waiter !!!

there´s no rooster on today´s menu card, but what about fresh made tentacle salad, they´re still moving...
Seems like redrooster was just looking for some feedback on the matter, which is what this area seems to be for.

I like Sakuns' suggestion, in general it is sound. I would think implementation of restrictions would invite some technical problems but I really am not familar with the administration functions features of a board such as this.

I would like to point out the idea of leaving things the way they are might be a friendlier, (although more annoying), solution. Some times the best way to encourage leechers and non contributers to change is just with patience and understanding. Restrictions may decrease certain problems in the short term but rob the board of endearing, grateful members in the long run. Those that post their first torrents, direct downloads, pictures, or whatever here at AO are likely to make this the only or primary board they do so. As well, seasoned contributors from other forums may be "put off" by restrictions when they first arrive here.

Just a thought, I reserve the right to be wrong of course. Even I get annoyed when new members arrive and start discussion threads without even having posted a thank you on another thread. Not the exact same thing that is being discussed here, but similar.
......still haven't been actualized, for A site of this caliber A-O being too kind
d/l torrents without login : check
ddl without login : check
Requests without minimal post or thanked contribution : check

I would block access to anything hosted by the forum (e.g. torrent files) to non-members, not talking about contributing members. After all it's chompy's bandwidth (or his money given to his provider).
I think the torrents are the main plate of the menu here, so they deserve more care.

For ddl it's a different story since data is stored outside, only the links are given. I agree there should always be a part with "free" access, to attract people and make them stay around.

For requests, I think the main problem is not the amount of them, but the fact that many of them are just brainless demands, like "I want yuri hentai with lolicon pleaaaase", or asking to identify a JAV actress just with a video link. This just gets annoying if they multiply like rabbits.
I'm more eager for a "quota" system (limited amount of requests over time) but it would be difficult to settle properly.

PS: the visitors record is breaking daily now. There will a need for more moderation probably soon.
I would block access to anything hosted by the forum (e.g. torrent files) to non-members, not talking about contributing members. After all it's chompy's bandwidth (or his money given to his provider).
I think the torrents are the main plate of the menu here, so they deserve more care.

well our torrents using A-O trackers are a charity work :lols:
gringo statement about DDL make sense that they're stored outside A-O :XD: I agree with you

As for Id request, I haven't seen a hentai id thread answered so consistent and so quick, where in other place they rot for 2-3 days or worse :lols:
How about a minimum Number of "Thanks" received ?
This should give better Results.

I agree I think that this is a much better way to control it, but is it feasible? I think members who contribute positively to the site should be able to request, perhaps make the request boards hidden until you get enough thanks, maybe that number can be like 3 or 5...

Edit:Oh yea, and syrictly prohibit request outside of these boards...
Good point asianphreak. I was a little dissapointed when Javtalk dropped the requests. I haven't had any of mine directly filled but I've been able to find a few things that I have wanted. I hope that the requests stay but are tightly controled. I'm not sure how this can be implemented as I have little experience with BBS programming and setup but the next to last option is request forum police. I'd hate for it to get to that point but...