Searching multiple hashtags on streaming sites like highporn


Active Member
Jul 25, 2015
On you can combine two categories to search for, assuming you create an acount and log in. Granted, it's not a streaming site but once you know the video codes you can seach for those on your preferred streaming site.
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MissAV allows you to search multiple tags by adding +. The resolution isn't the highest but again, you can then search for titles you really like.
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Another vote for JavDB - it's easy to use and quick.

JavLibrary on the other hand makes it harder to select tags in the first place and also makes you wait something like 2 minutes (?) between searches.

The good thing about JavLibrary is that you can mix tags with actress names, directors, etc, so if you want to know whether a particular actress has done a female teacher role (for example) you can do that.