

New Member
Mar 27, 2008
Anyone know were i can get some uncensored, english subbed hentai episodes to download??? Im new to this fansub thing and im trying to find some downloads of the shows i would like to get and if anyone could recommend some shows that would be nice.
Oh okay. I'll try to explain it and keep it short and simple.

Say you find a torrent file for Bible Black and you open the Bible Black torrent file in a bittorrent program such as utorrent and Azureus.

Then the bittorrent program will connect you to other people who have opened and loaded that same torrent file (just like you) and it will download the Bible Black episodes from those people onto your computer. Of course, you need a peer that already has the episodes on his/her computer and that peer is called a seed.

So if the Bible Black torrent doesn't have any seeds, you will not be able to completely download the Bible Black episodes. The bittorrent program will let you know if a seed is connected to the torrent.

One thing about torrents that you should know is that you should upload as much as you download. It's the right thing to do :casual:
