Share your personal TOP 10 Jav Idols


May 23, 2014
Always hard to put a top 10 list with so many beautiful Idols but just for fun please share yours.
I've put a link to their discography if anybody is interested, please do the same when you share your list.

I've added the pix, as for my reasons why they are my top ten, I would say it's because they are all innocent looking girl who do such nasty things :)


Megumi Shino
01 Megumi.jpg

Urumi Narumi Urumi
02 urumi-narumi-4.jpg

Mika Osawa
03 mika-osawa.jpg

Ayumi Kimino
04 Ayumi Kimino.jpg

Saionji Reo
05 Saionji Reo.jpg

Marina Muranishi
06 Marina Muranishi.jpg
Aoi Chihiro
07 Aoi Chihiro.jpg

Kotomi Asakura
08 Kotomi Asakura.jpg
Asahi Miura
09 Asahi Miura.jpg
10 Rio.jpg
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Always hard to put a top 10 list with so many beautiful Idols but just for fun please share yours.
Doesn't really to be so hard because such thread pop up very often. The top 10, the top 10 this year, the top 10 with short hear, the top 10 with long hear, ..., etc. . ;)
But, anway, thanks for sharing. :)
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Doesn't really to be so hard because such thread pop up very often. The top 10, the top 10 this year, the top 10 with short hear, the top 10 with long hear, ..., etc. . ;)
But, anway, thanks for sharing. :)
lol I know what you mean, as soon as I finished this list I started thinking of girls I should have added, oh well maybe next time we can do a TOP 20 :)

Another Top 10 list. Hmmm .... And yet another list where there isn't any information on why they like them? :(:(:eek::eek:

I think it would be more interesting and will get people to discuss more if the original poster can shed some light as to why the 10 girls he had chosen as his personal top 10 JAV idols instead of just naming them, providing a link to their JAV works.

That is why I think the OP say it is hard to come up with the list. That is my opinion but yeah as I think if they are REALLY the top 10 girls of that particular person, he will surely can go on and on giving reasons as to why they are his top 10. For example, if you have a wife or husband, when people ask you why you love him or her or why marry them? Surely it will be more than a one liner oh I love him or her so marry him or her. Surely that person will talk about oh she looks cute when she smile, she a very caring girl who always give me massages etc etc etc. And also will start showing photos etc etc etc. As if you really like that person, you will surely put even more effort to "show off" why you like that person.

Ya cause I feel it is quite pointless to come up with a list and only name the girls and than end of post and asking people who their fav girls are. And some more no pictures as well. As we all know Japanese names when you search, surely more than 1 person will have that name unless of course if that girl is very famous than maybe able to get the correct girl when you do a search. Not really interesting enough to start a "discussion" in my opinion.

Not here to offend anyone but ya just find it funny that not much effort is being put into these list or threads where they like a particular jav idol. Just my opinion. I will give my take on my top 10 soon though. :D:D But thanks for sharing your list and found another person who like Urumi Narumi as well ... :p:p
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At least Eastboyza posted some links to the actresses. Some member even don't do that. But even better would have been to post also some pictures - especially some which emphasize on the charm of corresponding actresses (in the point-of-view of the poster). :)
At least Eastboyza posted some links to the actresses. Some member even don't do that. But even better would have been to post also some pictures - especially some which emphasize on the charm of corresponding actresses (in the point-of-view of the poster). :)

Another Top 10 list. Hmmm .... And yet another list where there isn't any information on why they like them? :(:(:eek::eek:

I think it would be more interesting and will get people to discuss more if the original poster can shed some light as to why the 10 girls he had chosen as his personal top 10 JAV idols instead of just naming them, providing a link to their JAV works.

Not here to offend anyone but ya just find it funny that not much effort is being put into these list or threads where they like a particular jav idol. Just my opinion. I will give my take on my top 10 soon though. :D:D But thanks for sharing your list and found another person who like Urumi Narumi as well ... :p:p

THanks for the replies guys, a bit busy around Xmas but I would love to add more detail to my post and I will do so when I get a chance. Also good idea to give short reason why, short because I know we can all go ona nd on :) Cheers loking forward to your list. It's always nice to discover some new JAV girl from another member that you haven't seen before
Now here comes my Personal Top 10 JAV Idols. Well for me I interpret Personal Top 10 as My All Time Top 10. So my list are my all time fav JAV girls. Really hard to choose but finally come to a conclusion today. :D:D

It will be quite a long post so get yourself comfy, take some popcorn and drinks. :D:D I will start my countdown from 10 to 1. So here we go!

Number 10 - Himeka Hoshino 星野姫夏

himeka_hoshino.jpg 47azrd00161ps.jpg TRD08001.jpg

Date of birth - 14 Dec 1987. She is no longer active. Active from 2008 to 2009. To me she is beautiful :oops: though she is really too skinny:eek::eek:.

Reasons she is on my list - I discover here when she was still active so it should be like 5 years already and her movies still "do it" for me. Not sure why I find her attractive and she looks very cute when she smile. :oops::oops:

Think she also goes by another name towards the end of her JAV stint as the release below - Tokyo Style 80


Not much information and there is totally no hope of finding any images of her too. So sad.:( But you can know a bit of her via the below:星野姫夏

Number 9 - Yuria Ashina 芦名ユリア

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Date of birth - 2 Aug 1991. Currently still active from 2012 onwards.

Reasons she is on my list -

1. I love the way she looks at the camera when she is in DVD and in her selfie shots as well. Her eyes just draw you towards her like a magnetic field. So I must say her best asset are her eyes! So enchanting, so much soul - the most beautiful eyes in JAV I have ever come across.

Yuri BQIH7xvCQAE5tgF.jpg Yuri blog_import_510b745e3c86c.jpgBswd2KUCIAEJvwL.jpg large.jpg By8jIbqCcAAtxxv.jpg large.jpg

2. If you follow her blog and twitter you will understand that she is really a girl at heart. :oops: She totally love selfie and she also took it with her teddy bear with a big red heart on its chest. The bear is one hell of a lucky bear. :rolleyes::D She sleep with it every night:eek::oops::p, bring it out for dinner :eek: and even take it out for fun at beach with friends:eek:! Awww ... childish? Nah ... cuteness overload I must say! :oops::oops: But of course this bear is just one of many bears and soft toys that she had but apparently this is her fav bear.

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Her fondness of her bear remind me of a bizarre JAV I have seen before - RCT-502. Where the girl fav bear come alive at night, become horny :eek:and have sex with her master despite the girl unwillingness. :eek::eek::D:D:p:p


Now I would like to be Yuria bear!!!!! :oops::oops::oops::p:p:D:D

3. To date, Yuria is the only JAV girl that I visit regularly - her twitter account that I am referring to. Almost every night, I will check her twitter to see what new "couple" shot she had with her fav bear during bedtime. :D She will post quite often, though the latest one was on Christmas Day itself as below though this time round we only get to see the bear's ear:

B5wK8hsCIAAlQ3a.jpg large.jpg

4. She is also the only JAV girl that I have a special pet name. :oops: LOL! :D As if she is my girlfriend. :rolleyes::rolleyes: I love to refer her as Yurina. LOL! As I feel it is a much cuter name and fit her "little girl at heart" personality. I bet if her bear can talk, the bear will love calling her Yurina! LOL!!!

You can know more about her via the following:芦名ユリア

And to end my Number 9, I present two of my fav couple shot of Yurina and her fav bear. :D:D Don't you want to be her bear?? :oops::oops:

BgwCHNMCQAAlzbP.jpg large.jpg
ByfzVq8CMAAXatd.jpg large.jpg

Number 8 - Ruu Hoshino 星野流宇

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Date of birth - 16 Nov 1980. She is no longer active. She was active from 2001 to 2003.

Reasons she is on my list -

1. To me even without showing any skin or being naked, she has this aura of sexiness about her. She is just sexy. Period. :oops:
2. I love the way she moans. Not cute, adorable, high pitch or orgasms moans. But a very unique moan. Not sure how to describe it, but if you ever watch her movies, you will know. Her moans are so unique, I can almost recognize it is her just by listening without actually watching the scene itself. :D Yeah. Her moans are that unique.

You can know more about her via the following:星野流宇

Number 7 - Miyu Akimoto 秋元美由

miyu 3269126_big_1.jpg miyu 1A15A554-6.jpg 62f476a3g78558d0c7521&690&690.jpg 1fvqx.gif

Date of birth - 16 Feb 1990. Not sure if she is still currently active though. She was active in the years 2008 to 2010. She had a recent release which is a compilation in April 2014 - UPSF-024 ... It don't look like it is from old release of her though I may be wrong.


Reason that she is on my list -

1. She has a very innocent face and innocent eyes. She always make me feel why on earth is she doing in JAV?? Because she belong to the type that guys want to come out to protect her from any harm. Innocent charm. To date she is still to me the JAV girl with the most innocent looking face and eyes I have come across. The perfect example of that is her release RBD-166 below.


2. She looks extremely beautiful with transparent pink lipsticks. :oops::oops:I am a sucker for transparent pink lipsticks. :D:D And she almost always put it on. She pull it off all the time. :oops::oops:

Miyu 883_1000.jpg

You can know more about her via the following:秋元美由

Number 6 - Sana Mizuhara 水原さな
sana Btx4BHSCMAAgxKX.jpg large.jpg B4s-vUhCMAAioEC.jpg large.jpg4932213b.jpg

Date of birth - 8 Sept 1985. She is currently still active. She debuted in April 2014. So she is still quite new in the industry but she has already released quite a number of works as of 29 Dec 2014 she had release 50 movies already :eek::eek:- this includes solowork and compilations. :D And next month alone, she already have 5 works waiting to be released. :eek::eek::D:D

Reason she is on my list -

1. She totally define the term beautiful mature woman. If you have watch her debut DVD series - SDNM-021, SDNM-025 and SDNM-027, you will notice that she carries herself very well in terms of walking and talking that make her so alluring. Very feminine. Beauty at its best!:oops::oops::oops:

2. I love her lips as well. Best lips in my opinion in JAV.

Sana ByXlWO_CUAARvz7.jpg large.jpg

3. She is a natural beauty. See below. She is without makeup. :oops::oops: And yet still so beautiful ... :oops::oops: And her lips with no lipstick is also still so beautiful ... :oops::oops:

sana BxsnKnQCUAEXGNd.jpg large.jpg

4. She still had the "little child" in her. Recently on her blog, she declare she like Disney movies. She also mention that during her junior high school days, throughout the summer vacation, she will watch movies over at a close friend house everyday. And with the release of Hero 6 in Japan, Sana mention she will definitely go! :p:p


You can know more about her via the following:水原さな

Number 5 - Maria Takagi 高樹マリア

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Date of birth - 25 Oct 1978. She is no longer active in JAV. She was active in JAV from 1999 to 2004. She is currently a film actress. Her latest film will be release on 21 Feb 2015.

Reason she is on my list - She is beautiful. And during her JAV days, she already shows her acting potential so it is pleasing to me she is pursing it after her JAV retirement. Beautiful and talented. Deserve a place in my list. :D:D And yes I do watch her post-JAV movies. I enjoy them. :p:p:p

You can know more about her via the following:高樹マリア

Number 4 - Minami Kojima 小島みなみ
BxE_9T9CMAAYuyv.jpg B30KdM3CQAA0-3d.jpg BywQy44CUAAdXEy.jpg large.jpg B2UTeyJCAAAIuGz.jpg large.jpg B4ithHWCYAAWcBu.jpg large.jpg

Date of birth - 14 Dec 1992. She is still currently active from year 2011 onwards. Besides starring in JAV, she had activities outside too. She had her own program :eek::D:oops: together with another JAV star Mana Sakura - GO!GO!こじまな号 which started in May 2013 and still on going.

She is also currently part of a pop group - Sexy-J (Hyper Idol Group) with 5 others JAV stars. Their CD will be released on 21 Jan 2015.


She is also currently part of a sub group of Sexy-J. She is partner with Mana Sakura. CD to be released on 21 Jan 2015.


But this is her 2nd time part of a pop group though. As when she was still with Alice studio, she was part of the studio pop group - Alice Stars.

Reason she is on my list -

1. She has a cute voice! :oops::oops: I know some people can be put off by her voice but I find it suit her personality. As she has an adorable personality! I can't image Minami Kojima with another voice! :D:D I always dubbed her as the ONLY adorable girl in JAV until recently I discover her "successor" who is the next on my list. :D:D

Adorable even when in pajamas :oops::oops: - I think that is pajamas LOL. :p

B5ydVIjCAAET_2U.jpg B5ydVImCMAANZ4Q.jpg

Adorable even when posing with food in mouth. :oops::oops:And food in front of her. :oops::oops:

BynM-8iCcAI3S_L.jpg large.jpg B53QcELCYAEmWRV.jpg large.jpg

2. Though she is high on my list, she is the most neglected fav JAV girl of mine. LOL! I only remember to download her JAV but fail to visit her twitter and blog though I bookmark them. Until a recent scare where I can't access her blog when I finally decided to "visit". And learn from this forum that she had moved to S1. That is how much I neglect her! LOL!! And also didn't know she had tag team with Mana Sakura for quite some time now. And I still declare that I only know of Mana Sakura recently. So embarrassing being a fan of Minami! LOL! And ya it is a strange reason to have of being her on my list. But now she is getting equal attention from me now! :D

3. Last but not least, she is and can be beautiful as well. :D:D:oops::oops:

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You can know more about her via the following:小島みなみ

Her S1 page above you must visit as if you scroll further down, she has a Q&A about her asking some very personal questions which let us know much more about her. But sadly Google only translate the questions but not her ANSWERS!! :mad::mad:

Number 3 - Urumi Narumi 成海うるみ

BjaceD1CIAA_90b.jpg large.jpg Byv_q0OCAAEs8zD.jpg large.jpg B14hwAXCMAAmvVD.jpg B14hwmmCcAAJUly.jpg

Date of birth - 9 June 1993. She is currently still active. She debuted in March 2014. She is still very fresh but looks set to have a bright future in the industry.

She has also starred in a movie as well. :D:D And seems like she is the main actress. :eek::eek::D:D

BwwKUtfCcAAYPt6.jpg BwwKV2DCIAA6q9J.jpg

Reasons she is on my list -

1. Well as I have said earlier on, she is the "successor" to Minami Kojima. The next adorable girl in JAV. :D:D She is just adorable not only the way she carried herself, she do things adorably as well just like our Minami Kojima. :D:D Watch her JAV and you will understand why too.

B0B8NHjCYAArIaA.jpg large.jpg

2. She is one hell of a girl with great acting potential. Which don't surprise me that she had already starred in her own movie as I mention above. I have not seen that movie though but so far in her JAV releases, she had shown signs that acting is like second nature to her. Especially evident in one of her recent release - HUNT-941. Her performance is so convincing, natural and real that you are wondering if she is like that for real or just acting out her role. :eek::eek::oops::oops::D:D Watch it to believe your own eyes. :p


azumi 98-page-0.jpg azumi 99-page-0.jpg

I did a review of this title at the JAV impregnation thread on page 15 though you need to scroll down a bit to reach it.

3. She is also a short hair beauty. :D:D And she sure looks way better than long hair which she had in 3rd photo.

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4. Though she is small build and short, she had one hell of a good body proportion. :eek::eek::oops::oops:

By3XNuHCYAI7-8L.jpg large.jpg

You can know more about her via the following:

Number 2 - Ai Uehara

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Date of birth - 12 November 1992. She is still currently active. She debuted in April 2011.

Reason she is on my list - Her dedication to her work. She will take on the challenge of topics that will satisfy her fans which could be the movie selling point. And she will even do movies that she don't like with a smile. Professionalism. :D And she is beautiful of course!

You can know more about her via the following:上原亞衣

And finally, I hope you still have some popcorns and drinks left .... drum rolls please ... as I present my Number 1 ....:D:D:p:p

Number 1 - Azumi Kawashima 川島和津実

images.jpg 2642899726_43d86d8f28.jpg Azumi k.jpgImg213382408.jpg Img213382396.jpg

Date of birth - 8 Aug 1979. She is no longer active. She was active from 1998 Dec to 1999 May. A very short stint in JAV only. And my avatar is also none other than herself. :oops::oops::oops:

Reason she is on my list -

1. Her stinit in JAV is very short. But she left a very deep impression :oops::oops::p:p on me ever since I set my eyes on her in 2002 - yeah I still remember the year I first saw her videos. :D She is the reason I became a faithful follower of JAV. :cool: At first I follow JAV faithfully was to download every video of her I could find but as time goes by I become a fan of JAV itself. And 12 years on, I still enjoy her movies. :p:p

azumi 004.jpg

2. She actually isn't an outright beauty. She also isn't voluptuous too. But there is just something special about her that ultimately pull you towards her. She just have this aura :oops::oops: about her that make her very beautiful and endearing. :oops::oops: And her beauty to me is everlasting. Beauty that transcends time. She will always have a special place in my heart and will always remain the most beautiful girl and always Number 1 girl in JAV till end of time for me. :oops::oops:

azumi 3422864113_acf98126fc_o.jpg

3. I love her smile. :oops: To date well at least to me no other girl in JAV can beat the smile of Azumi Kawashima.:oops::p Period. :D

azumi sim.jpg

4. She is also the most beautiful short hair JAV girl EVER! :oops::oops:

azumi.jpg azumi A1266030875.jpg

5. DMM have a poll in early 2012 of the best AV actresses over the 30 year history of the genre, Kawashima ranked number 4 out of 100 actresses listed! :eek::eek::p:p:D:D Now that is something right? For someone who only in JAV for like 5 months plus and retire for 13 years and still rank no 4??!! Now that is the beauty of Azumi Kawashima. :D Like I mention earlier on her beauty transcends time.


For the full listing you can go to the following link.

6. And also she remained popular in Japan - her videos and photobooks even after her retirement. An article dated 2001 report on this.

You can find out more about her via the following:川島和津實

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Thanks, clemenceko for this in-deepth explanation of your top 10. Most have been cost a hell of time. :)
But almost no boobs... :(
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Bloody hell clemenceko thanks for all the effort. This is what I hoped for this thread, If other BM's can contribute 10% of what you've given here I will be happy.
I must say I like your selection, cute girls with a nice smile is really my taste. I will be going through your list looking for their JAV videos.
Thanks again :)
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Thanks, clemenceko for this in-deepth explanation of your top 10. Most have been cost a hell of time. :)
But almost no boobs... :(

Hmm ... there's one only ... LOL ... Well cause I think since we can get to see them naked in their video, I thought of getting pictures that show the other side of them. Maybe I over do it. :eek::eek:LOL ... Agree I should have show more skin ... :D:D
Hmm ... there's one only ... LOL ... Well cause I think since we can get to see them naked in their video, I thought of getting pictures that show the other side of them. Maybe I over do it. :eek::eek:LOL ... Agree I should have show more skin ... :D:D
No, no, I didn't mean that I want to see more skin. ;) Just bigger boobs. :D
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