SHE-025 Pair Not Yet Snared


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
I was looking through my older posts and came across an unsolved I.D. question; since it was from last year, I decided on putting it out there again. Given that we are disallowed from posting on "Identification Help," I am repackaging the whole blasted thing this'away. My humblest appreciation for any mind power you may generously expend.


Aw, I knew this was going to happen. When I threw out the throwaway questions, who is the mother, and who is the daughter, within a post in the Good, Bad, Ugly, Tubby thread, I just knew no one would pay attention to them.

Problem was, I was hoping to save myself the trouble of preparing a separate thread. Well, do I now have egg on my face.

My new problem is, I don't feel like digging up SHE-025 to prepare more frame grabs - and I don't know whether the trifle offered below will suffice. The faces are clear, though, and I hope these will be enough to get our in-the-know squad to have one of those thunderous recognition moments.



I had included some not-very-helpful screen shots for extra reference, and here they are again. And here is another set...

Oh, hold on. Other screen shots that ain't too bad, actually.

Still there? This site offers a not-bad set too, but the image hoster is on Akiba-Online's banned list, so I can't provide the link directly. Please right-click on their screen shot image, "Copy Link Location" to Notepad, and edit away the URL's sleazy "adfly" beginning.

Our pair is the third set of targeted ladies, as you may see from the screen shots, and the mother is the one who winds up getting taken to bed.

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What? Is this one still unsolved? This will not do, simply not do, I say.

By dGeorge, Djemba has done it again.

Once again, with a most little-known actress, as well. Astounding.

(Almost two years after this thread appeared in its original form too, as linked above; you see, no matter how impossible an I.D. seems, one must never give up hope.)

Thank you, Djemba.

Perhaps one day the younger lady will be pegged as well.

These are the names from the cover, which probably won't help much. But, you never know.
もどこ Modoko is listed as one of the mother's and her daughters name is まゆみ Mayumi
みよこ Miyoko and her daughter is さな Sana
かおりKaori and her daughter is しほ Shiho
Finally さとこ Satoko and her daughter あやの Ayano
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Nagaura, I am first of all extremely honored that such a long-time Akiba-Online member (almost a decade!) who speaks up very seldom has chosen my thread to respond to!

Secondly, I am very impressed that you investigated to the point of noticing the names that have been provided on the covers. You are right, probably it's not going to lead to meaningful revelations in this case, but as you said, you never know.

Especially since Nagaura did not list the ladies in order (thanks a LOT, Nagaura!) I would like to give a pictorial rundown of the other mother-daughter pairs, in case it will help with those who might put two and two together. (See, a pair makes two... hee-hee! I am so witty.)

Pair Number One (もどこ Modoko and まゆみ Mayumi):


Pair Number Two (かおりKaori and her daughter is しほ Shiho):


Pair Number Three (Our pair — さとこ Satoko and あやの Ayano):


Pair Number Four (みよこ Miyoko and さな Sana):


So the mother we were wondering about turns out to be referred to as "Satoko," which unfortunately bears no relation to the name we now know her by, Eri Suzuki. So the odds are reduced that the other women's character names will be matching their actress names, unfortunately. (Although... you never know.)

Also unfortunately, we know none of the identities of the other women, to see if their "real" names will be matching their character names. Sougouwiki is bone-dry with I.D.'s, on this title.

I went on the hunt to see if Eri Suzuki has other pseudonyms that might match "Satoko." Making use of R18's more extensive listing of her titles (they have five more movies than JavLibrary's six), unfortunately Sougouwiki (a good source for aliases) does not appear to list ANY of them. (Which means Eri Suzuki probably does not even have a Sougouwiki page.) The other good source for aliases, Minnano-AV, displayed a different Eri Suzuki when one pastes her Japanese name into their search box. (Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to search the Minnano-AV site by DVD code, to see whether a page for "our" Eri Suzuki exists.)

Nagaura, do you know what else I found wonderful about you? You appear to know Japanese! What a useful skill... and one I might make use of by knocking on your door one day, should I get stuck.
