Similar films Please

He wants films in which an older sister defends a younger one. I doubt he'll find those by browsing any genre.
He provided the link. Plus, as you say, per Google Translate:

as a title I would like a movie like this
I'm looking for the type that the older sister defends the little sister and lends herself to sexual act ..

So, he already provided a link where, presumably, one could find what he's looking for. Perhaps I'm making the wrong assumption that he wants others to comb through the titles in that link for some. He certainly didn't state he already has and is looking for more.

Anyway, hope he gets help.
He provided the link to the film which he liked the theme of and would like to watch more in its vein. I fail to see how one could find other titles like that based on that link alone or the genres listed under the film. In my understanding he would like others to recommend films like that to him in this thread, films that others have already knowledge of, not comb through the entirety of JavLibrary for him in hopes of finding more.
He provided the link to the film which he liked the theme of and would like to watch more in its vein. I fail to see how one could find other titles like that based on that link alone or the genres listed under the film. In my understanding he would like others to recommend films like that to him in this thread, films that others have already knowledge of, not comb through the entirety of JavLibrary for him in hopes of finding more.
You got it, pal.

@Keegan900 what exactly are you expecting from your plea for heeeeelp?