single thread posting or mega threads?


Apr 27, 2009
This is not a new problem but it happen everywhere in forums with torrents and DDL sections.

many peoples like to do one post, one threads posting, 10 in a row and easily push a guy thread who just posted 30 minutes ago immediately to the next page.

take for instance, the JAV torrent sections. all torrents links must be dl via attachments thus cashlinkers incentives are no longer here thus eliminating the purposes for single thread posting which are a fav tactic of cashlink posters. I see no reasons why for example - 6 SOD movies in a single day cannot be put in a single thread called SOD 6 movies 21/7/09 but have to make 6 posts which instantly push everybody posts down.

But still I don't know maybe u guys prefer single threads posting instead of mega threads. That's why I asking?
Hard situation.
With single threads it's much easier to find one specific movie while with megathreads it prevents from flooding.

With the search function available I believe it's useless to have multiple threads.

take for instance, the JAV torrent sections. all torrents links must be dl via attachments thus cashlinkers incentives are no longer here thus eliminating the purposes for single thread posting which are a fav tactic of cashlink posters.

Actually it's not a rule that torrents must be attached. I believe most of the torrents AREN'T attached and it's really a pain in the ass to wait 520 seconds to be able to download 2 torrent FILES, not the movies itself. (Yes, fucking easy-share)

I also don't get why people make multiple threads. I prefer mega threads because by doing all the things you are sharing will be seen, since the first one you posted till the last one since you'll keep bumping every time you post something new.

Well, I would say it's because people are retarded but I think I'm making some hasty conclusions.
And I see that it's hard to implement rules such as "do not make multiple threads" or "it's prohibited to start a thread on the torrent section without the torrent ATTACHED" because many don't even READ or come back to see their own threads and I believe there are some who don't even know proper English!

And it's the same discussion from another thread, you need to ponder a lot before applying new rules and punishing it's infractors. To quote what I mean:

Sakunyuusha said:
I wouldn't say there is an unwritten rule. I would say that the moderators do not feel it is prudent to chastise major contributors for breaking the rules versus chastising minor or non-contributors. Consider the potential gains and losses. If the major contributor respects the mod, that's one less rulebreaker. If the minor contributor respects the mod, ditto. Same reward. Now, if the minor contributor disrespects the mod and leaves the site forever, the loss to the community is minimal. But if the major contributor disrespects the mod and leaves, the blow can potentially affect thousands of visitors and hundreds of registered members.
We* are constantly warning JAV torrent posters to attach the torrent files directly, but it seems many of them either do not understand English or they just don't care. daice, the Sakunyuusha quote is spot on, although in future it is best to quote directly from the original post so we can navigate to that original post.


* Actually it's mostly IdolFun...
We* are constantly warning JAV torrent posters to attach the torrent files directly, but it seems many of them either do not understand English or they just don't care. daice, the Sakunyuusha quote is spot on, although in future it is best to quote directly from the original post so we can navigate to that original post.


* Actually it's mostly IdolFun...

maybe you guys think it's too serious but I seriously think you ought to ban posters who did single thread single post posting, 6 in a row. This is spamming and made the torrents and ddl section look like a links dump place.

look at it this way, a poster made an effort to post 10 videos in his megathread. On a bad day, within 1 hrs, a few guys will come in with the single thread single post posting, 6 in a row and his thread will disappear off the first page. What a waste of effort by the megathread guy.
and one more thing.

I think English titles posting should be encouraged in JAV torrent section.

this is a English forum and the contributor should make some effort to translate the titles if possible.

You can have the English title ( loosely translated, anything ) in the thread title then English title and Japanese title in the first post.

what I really don't like is peoples treating the torrents and ddl sections like a cashlink dumping ground. But If the owners doesn't mind, of course, it's not my business to say more too.
I think English titles posting should be encouraged in JAV torrent section. this is a English forum and the contributor should make some effort to translate the titles if possible.
You said it yourself -- if possible. Most of the uploaders don't speak a lick of Japanese and those who do mostly do not speak a lick of English. Few are the members who are bilingual, and fewer still the JAV uploaders.

Given a choice between just English and just Japanese titles, I'd want the just-Japanese. Why? Because that's the product's official name, and if I am equipped with that name (from other adventures elsewhere on the Internet) then that's all I need to find what I'm looking for when I come here. But if it's English, then it's a fan translation of the title. Example: 爆乳 . Will he translate it as bakunyuu? as bursting boobs? exploding titties? mega mammaries? The possibilities for an English translation are endless. But the official title has only the one spelling, and because of that the official title's the best way to go -- even if you can't read it.

what I really don't like is peoples treating the torrents and ddl sections like a cashlink dumping ground. But If the owners doesn't mind, of course, it's not my business to say more too.
Where do you get off saying things like that? ^^; Of course the owners mind. Notice the rules. Notice the vigilance of the moderators, constantly banning members, editing posts, and/or locking threads because of cashlink spam. The fact that you see cashlink spam everywhere is because for every member the mods ban 9 more pop up out of the ground.

You're 100% right, of course. The torrent forums are reserved for torrent attachments. The DDL forums are reserved for user-friendly, computer-safe DDL links which require minimum effort on the user's part to procure the data. Either way, cashlinks are a big no-no.
Example: 爆乳 . Will he translate it as bakunyuu? as bursting boobs? exploding titties? mega mammaries? The possibilities for an English translation are endless.

Bakunyuu would be the romanization and not the translation.
I agree with you when you say that there are endless English translations thus making it difficult to do a search for, for instance, the rest of an adventure series.
Having a translation would be good for those who know zip of Japanese to be able to, at least, guess what genre the movie on the thread is about without having to visit the thread. But still there are a few threads completely in Chinese...

Where do you get off saying things like that? ^^; Of course the owners mind. Notice the rules. Notice the vigilance of the moderators, constantly banning members, editing posts, and/or locking threads because of cashlink spam. The fact that you see cashlink spam everywhere is because for every member the mods ban 9 more pop up out of the ground.

You're 100% right, of course. The torrent forums are reserved for torrent attachments. The DDL forums are reserved for user-friendly, computer-safe DDL links which require minimum effort on the user's part to procure the data. Either way, cashlinks are a big no-no.

When I see people posting torrent files on easy-share and nothing being made I wonder what's the problem. This is clearly an attempt to treat the torrents sections like a cashlink dumping ground.
ES give you E-points for every download made from your files, regardless of the size of the file, and you can chance these points for money or premium account. Pretty much like many other host services but most have a minimum size for the archive to be eligible to earn you something. And the fact that you have to wait 500 seconds for the second download onwards makes the things even worse when it comes to torrents bcause we're waiting for a, normally, <100kb size. It's not a big file that will take centuries to attach.
When creating a torrent thread:
1 - You can attach the torrent to the post
2 - You can upload it to a host and post the link
And both take about the same amount of time, maybe 1 takes a little less because you have to open just one site.

Now, which one people are frequently using? 2
A few I understand because they simply are redirecting, I believe (the ones who post links from jptorrents).
But uploading it to Easy-Share, through my eyes, is clearly an attempt to earn something because it's not faster, it's not easier, it's not more convenient for everybody and the uploader earn points for every download.

I don't know about DDL because I've rarely been there lately.
Bakunyuu would be the romanization and not the translation.
Thanks! I didn't know that!

When I see people posting torrent files [...]
Wait a second. Are you wheeljack?

What you've said about the torrent forums having in some cases become cashlink dumping grounds is true -- but it still doesn't validate wheeljack's unfair accusation that chompy and his moderators do not care what becomes of this forum.

Look at it this way. Say people dump 1 kilo of trash per person per day in your local park. Say a dedicated team of ecosystem protectionists heads out to the park each day and picks up 10,000 kilos of trash. That's a lot of trash to be picking up! But what if 20,000 pedestrians pass through the park each day? That means the volunteers are only cleaning up 50% of the newly-added rubbish. That means that in little under a week the park will become indistinguishable from a junkyard. Is this lamentable? Yes. Is this proof that the town mayor and the ecosystem gang do not give a shit what happens to their town's park? No.
Thanks! I didn't know that!
Well, you asked if people would translate to Bakunyuu or etc.

Wait a second. Are you wheeljack?
No, I just copied what he/she said without quoting.

What you've said about the torrent forums having in some cases become cashlink dumping grounds is true -- but it still doesn't validate wheeljack's unfair accusation that chompy and his moderators do not care what becomes of this forum.

I never said that I'm accusing moderators of not caring about the forum.
I just said that what I see there is just cashlink dumping and I think it should be taken care.
I never said that the moderators see the majority of threads as cashlink dumping and still do nothing about it and I have no way to prove that they see the same way as I and yet do nothing about it.

Look at it this way. Say people dump 1 kilo of trash per person per day in your local park. Say a dedicated team of ecosystem protectionists heads out to the park each day and picks up 10,000 kilos of trash. That's a lot of trash to be picking up! But what if 20,000 pedestrians pass through the park each day? That means the volunteers are only cleaning up 50% of the newly-added rubbish. That means that in little under a week the park will become indistinguishable from a junkyard. Is this lamentable? Yes. Is this proof that the town mayor and the ecosystem gang do not give a shit what happens to their town's park? No.

Your example here is correct and I agree with it.
And when it comes to this scenario, where your cleaning force capacity is clearly lower compared to the messing force capacity, something should be done (pretty obvious I think).
I know not always it's possible and it's not easy to see the best action (if there even is one).
Expanding your cleaning force capacity or reducing the messing force capacity are the most intuitive actions to be taken, IMO.

On a forum scenario this could be achieved by recruiting more moderators or applying rules to prevent abuses though, depending on the messyness level, applying new rules would have to happen together with recruitment and I believe this is the case of A-O.
regarding JAV torrents

this is nothing new but the best way would be a few regular contributors and threads sorted by date or companies.

like Poster A July 24th 2009 10 BTs but the reality is Poster A won't do that, he will make 10 threads 10 single post.

or SOD Kuki July 09 and kept on bumping this thread.

I don't really mind cashlinks, just keep things organized and neat.

I can do the BT downloads, all English translations if possible, megathreads sorted by companies, daily updated, all attachments torrents but I see no point in doing that because after 30 minutes when I updated the thread, the thread will disappear from the 1st page by a series of single thread single post postings.
Segregation is an easy-to-implement option.

Pretend the board's downloading forums were divided into two halves. The first half is the same as right now. No changes whatsoever. The second half has some new rules put in place.

Rule #1: no multi-threads. The forum restricts users' posting privileges. They are not allowed to post more than one thread per day/week/month/[you decide].

Rule #2: no selfish thread bumps. Users are not allowed to post more than once per day in that forum.

Rule #3: teamwork. Users will be reported for violating the rules and may be penalized if they are found guilty of selfish thread creation. [hide]For example, if somebody named Romeo posts a thread called "Shibusaki Mio," it should be understood by everybody that Shibusaki Mio's JAVs should be posted in this thread. If a second user named Derrick comes along and posts "Shibusaki Mio's Bukakke Thread," it's pretty obvious that that was unnecessary. If he posts "Bukkake Thread," however, that's fine: because it's a different approach to the same goal -- categorization -- and it'd be 100% legit of him to post a bukkake JAV starring Shibusaki Mio in the bukkake thread and not the Shibusaki Mio thread.[/hide]

This is what you do to children who can't play nicely together: you separate them. Segregation has gained a bad reputation because of racial segregation but the idea of separating different-minded people from one another is not inherently a bad one. It has its benefits -- to all parties! -- and this is one easy-to-appreciate example. The cashlink crowd can't play nice with the megathread people and the megathread people demand that the cashlink crowd respect their demands. Solution? Segregation.
maybe you guys think it's too serious but I seriously think you ought to ban posters who did single thread single post posting, 6 in a row. This is spamming and made the torrents and ddl section look like a links dump place.

maybe you guys think it's too serious but I seriously think you ought to ban posters who talk about enforcing non existent rules while breaking the actual ones themselves, linking other websites in signature. This is advertising and made the torrents and ddl section look like a freaking market place.


i'm also pro single threads, and the reasons are exactly opposed to those exposed until now: i cannot bear with who opens threads named "my jav" or "the best jav" or "desu's thread"... what should that mean?

i'm ok with tematic threads, but to post lots of things and keep them all topic related doesn't seem to be something anyone can accomplish
It would seem to me the biggest problem, after reading this, is one of expectations.

You can't really call major contributors spammers. Spammers are not contributors, never have been never will be. If the original title of a production is in japanese then why would anyone make a rule saying you can't post the original title as the thread header? I am also pro single threads but if you are grouping a series together it makes sense to put them in one thread so one doesn't have to search all over the board for them.

Cashlinks and not attaching torrents are a matter for the mods and the admins though....and in all fairness a legit gripe. I don't think bans should be handed out lightly, especially to major contributors but having rules and not enforcing them would be sending mixed messages. The best thing would be to use the report button on a case by case basis and help out the moderators here. This is called being either a part of the problem or a part of the solution.
maybe you guys think it's too serious but I seriously think you ought to ban posters who talk about enforcing non existent rules while breaking the actual ones themselves, linking other websites in signature. This is advertising and made the torrents and ddl section look like a freaking market place.

ok, you are right about the advertising

why I did this. I saw lot of peoples do that. I even asked on Forum Rules and Regulations / send a email on advertising to a mod. But nobody bother to reply. If the mod doesn't even care, I think forget it and thus put a link on my signature.

Fair enough, I have removed my signature link.
can't really blame you; if i had a website i'd probably have done the same (i still don't get why you haven't received a reply on that matter)... and BTW i asked the same question on another thread, and the mods assured that they keep warning people for advertising infractions, so it's just a matter of luck for not being caught

back on topic, i'd like to read your opinion about the other point i raised