So AO is back!

What is "AO" ? "America Online" ? :XD:

after all, , the name of our forum is "Akiba Online" or is " shibuyabashi Forums" ?

I really prefer " shibuyabashi Forums" , is really a cute name, but, I cannot wrote it without "copy and paste" ...

I will try to write it now without "copy and paste" :





I cannot wrote it ! :donotwant:
lol the forums are called shibuyabashi forums. the overall site is probably just Akiba Online
finally online again, but the torrent attachments are missing i should have downloded it when i had time
Yep, one and the same.
Don't ask me.

Also, it's spelled shi-bu-ya-ba-shi.
Easier to remember if you take it apart like that.
wow!!!........... (O.O)

everything look so different now in this site!..