Some Trains Are Longer


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
It sucks to get stuck at a railroad crossing just as those red lights start flashing and the crossing gate lowers for a train to go by. If you’re in Japan, the majority of the time it’s for a passenger train, which usually passes by quickly.

Unluckily for Twitterer @_GHOST_CHASER, on June 27, he wasn’t in Japan when he stopped at a crossing for a freight train. And not just any freight train; this one was transporting military goods for the US military. Lots and lots and lots of goods.

@_GHOST_CHASER began recording just as the train started to pass, and then we see car after car go by, carrying what looks to be enough tanks to outfit an entire country.【video】/
Update: We goofed and wrote in our title that this was record in Japan, which it obviously was not. We have updated the article to correct this. Thanks to the commenters who pointed out our mistake.
Not really all that long of a train, I've waited on ones like that. But this one was a lot more interesting to watch than the usual autoracks, coal and scrap metal gondola cars that usually make up those.
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Driving to Las Vegas, the main tracks are off to one side of the freeway.
Common to see a train 3/4 mile long..
And the Marine Equipment Depot is on that highway too.
Tanks and trucks stored there for miles.