SS-046 rated 10 one of the highest rated jav of january 2022 how can it be ?? is javlibrary fixing rating for ad minor jav ?


Active Member
Mar 30, 2009

SS-046 rated 10 one of the highest rated jav of january 2022 how can it be ?? is javlibrary fixing rating for ad minor jav ?​

do not get me wrong I m not judging just like to know
Combination Search: |Release Date=2022-1~2022-2||User Rating=8~10|
how can it be ?? is javlibrary fixing rating for ad minor jav ?
it is given that this is niche of the niche and extremly small market but 10 ? really ?
It's a solo movie, solo nude photoshoot and fake masturbation, most of the time. And you shouldn't take the user rating into consideration. It means nothing. If you like something, you will be more lucky trying to look into the same category.
i think its depend on .
i can vote down this movies if it make you happy.
i think everybody can vote on that site . its not javlibrary
this is very funny maaload , I find out about it by trying to Seach the most popular javs as I thought it would be way better method of finding interesting jav aas oppose just word of the mouth or blindly download based on poster ... out of 100 jav that I download usually 5-6 worth keeping it is just too low ratio ...
and i do like all genres . I think darksider59 is right rating sold and you can not rely on it
To be honest, I never consider the ratings in JavLibrary, I have seen countless movies low rated which I loved and vice versa.....