Standardizing DDL locations


Feb 22, 2009
The idea of this is to make everyone who uploads conform by uploading to a few specific sites.

As I leech around on this site on the DDL section, I've noticed that there's a lot of weird places that people upload to. The problem with that is smaller companies that allow DDL would give you low bandwidth limits and long wait times before you can actually download a file.

We all love HQ pron and so all those files tend to be pretty big (split up to 14-20 parts) and so waiting 1 hour or more for each file we download + download time would mean it could take over 20 hours sitting by the computer to get a big video downloaded. This can be very frustrating!

My suggestion is to limit the uploads to 2 or 3 Major upload companies namely Media Fire, Megaupload and maybe Rapidshare (not recommended).

The reason is because Media Fire has no download limits. There's no down time between files that you download. The only thing you cannot do is download more than 1 file at a time (reasonable for free users). Megaupload is the next choice because it offers the fastest dl speeds and although there's down time in between each download you make, it is still within reasonable margins. Rapidupload is least recommended because anyone without a premium account can't download more than 500 mb in 1 hour without having to wait for 1 hour before another download begins.

Problems with other DDL sites include 1) Super slow speeds (less than 30kb/sec) 2) 1 hour wait time in between files 3) Loads of ads

So what do you guys say? We can make it so that as times change and better companies come up with more liberal "plans" we will be able to add them to the choice of the standardized DDL locations.
Well, it always sounds like a good idea, especially when it's your own, but everyone has their favorites. Some people can't use one or another in their country. You apparently don't like RS. While it has been better, RS is still a bargain, widely used, and unlike MU, I can use a download manager for fast, painless downloads. I wish I could use Free Download Manager with MU.

I can only hope and gently impel people to use RS and MU. As a chronic leecher I humbly differ:bow-pray:; I have no say what host they use.
As RickyDicky pointed out it would be too much for us to enforce people from using their preferred service. Your points are taken into consideration by I and others but we use the methods we use for various reasons. I never use DDL period, but I do like the idea of keeping things minimal & better looking.
While I agree that it is a good idea, but it is very impracticle, as your experinces vastly differ from mine, for example, I found rapidshare to be the fastest, and megaupload to be very slow, and the others anything can happen, and I would think there are always new ones coming online very often, but still it is an idea, maybe it can be expanded on, keep them rolling Thank you
It's true that imposing which upload sites to use is too much and unreasonable because people's preference can be different from one another.
What's really important is the sharing spirit and not the specific uploading sites. So if somebody uses an unpopular site to share something then somebody else can always add a mirror using more popular site.
I don't like the idea of centralizing uploads to a single place, because if that source is smacked down (by copyright holders for example) or decide to "clean" its disks, really everything is lost.
Rapidshare is usually fast, but it size restrictions and waiting time on consecutive downloads.
Megaupload is slower, but with very little resctrictions (except country slots).
Others have also their pros and cons.
There will be always some popular than others, but a little variety is welcome.
I don't like the idea of centralizing uploads to a single place, because if that source is smacked down (by copyright holders for example) or decide to "clean" its disks, really everything is lost.
Rapidshare is usually fast, but it size restrictions and waiting time on consecutive downloads.
Megaupload is slower, but with very little resctrictions (except country slots).
Others have also their pros and cons.
There will be always some popular than others, but a little variety is welcome.

I didn't say centralizing uploads to "single" place but a few (3 or so) at once. I've also mentioned at the end that if there's more that we agree on which have low down time between the downloads and relatively good speeds (for a good number of people) we can tag that onto the list as well.
I dislike RS and MU. I don't like uploader sites that throttle non-paying users.
For a forum orbiting around Japan, I am surprised more people do not use semi-anonymous Japanese uploaders like the ones listed here. ;)

Yeah I agree. I don't know why, but I can seem to get around MU's bandwidth limits on my router. Even though I'm a free user I can dl gigabytes of data and not have any limits. The only troublesome thing is their catchpa system which I have to enter that annoying text every time but that's alright I guess...

Rapid is more annoying because if you're not a premium user, things get pretty annoying (100mb and they're stuck for an hour). However, the reason that I would put it on the recommended list is because many people actually use it and it is also considered a popular place for uploaders here (from what I've seen) and I'm a premium user myself.

A reason why we wouldn't use a Japanese upload site is because well.. a majority of us are from America which makes downloading from an Asian server totally meaningless. We want fast and reliable speeds and downloading from way across the pacific isn't going to make things better.
The majority of our visitors come from Asia, most notably Japan. Us Americans are a small but growing minority though you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at the forum activity.

I'm not in favor of standardizing ddl locations with respect to speed/convenience for a few reasons. While I understand that some ddl sites are crappier (slower, long wait times, etc.) than others, there are users who can only download from certain sites because of forces out of their control (country blocks access or whatever). Also, one site may be slow for you whereas the same site may be blazing fast to another user somewhere else in this vast world. Our experiences with ddl sites differ depending on your location. So to be fair, a standard list of ddl locations that would satisfy the majority would probably be nearly as long as the list we already have in rule #12 - cashlinks

The lasseiz-faire policy (using it loosely) we have now is in the best interests of the community as a whole.
I agree with kbryc08.

The OP listed the sites that work for him, going so far as to cite RS as an acceptable dl source even with its poor free-user policy, because he has a Premium account. That's fine in the sense that most people would try to steer policy in their favor, but there are obviously other variables involved, and so I think that things should just go on as they are - let those who upload use the sources they are most comfortable with. I myself use GigaSize (although they just dumped a bunch of files I was about to post here!) because they have much faster upload speeds than RS, even with my Premium account.