suggestions about the "member list" and "Rank System".


BRASIL, Rio de Janeiro .
Dec 17, 2006
Is impossible to sort the member list by number of "thanks points" ?

Is possible to sort the list by number of posts.

I want to know If have members with a high number of "thanks points", but, is hard to find it without to sort the member list by "thanks points" number.

Please, chompy, You can do that ? would be more fun like that.


I have other suggestion too:

Is impossible to create a RANK SYSTEM based in the "thanks points" ?

I already suggested to give the status of VIP MEMBER to who gather more than 5000 thanks points, but, I guess, we can to do more than this:

for instance, who gather 5000 points become a VIP MEMBER.

and who gather 10000 points become a SUPER VIP MEMBER ( no more special privileges added, is just a "honor title" )

of course, you can find a better name than "SUPER VIP MEMBER" . I am not so much creative to create good names.

In all chinese foruns exist a RANK SYSTEM based in points.

I prefer names like:

5000 points become a "Hentai-Master"

10000 points become a "Hentai-Lord"

20000 points become a "SUPREME HENTAI LORD"

and things like that... of course, you can find better names...

I am think that this thing is important, specially because of the "downtime"...

You know, I already see 3 BIG DOWNTIME in the forum.

ok, we can lost our "thanks points" because of the downtime, but, the "TITLE is not possible to lost, you understand ?

even If have a downtime and we lost all posts and all thanks points, we will keep our title ( our rank ).

I guess, is important it.

You know: I lost 1800 thanks points because of the last downtime...

I am not complaining. I am very happy because the forum is online again. I don't care about the lost points anymore.

But, I guess, the "TITLE SYSTEM" is important and FAIR for who dedicate so much work to our forum.

I know: soon the downtime maybe can happen again. Is not your fault, chompy. You know: I love you. I not complaining about it.

at least, with the "RANK SYSTEM" we will keep our "STATUS" after lost again all posts and all points.

What you think about it ?
Firstly, don't count on there being another downtime or data-loss.

To sort the members by a custom field such as 'thanks' would require a minor modification to the forum code. Such minor functional tweaks are planned, though the relative priority is low...

As for ranks determined by 'thanks', it's conceivable, however the planned VIP usergroup won't be tied to it in such a way.

Currently user titles are determined by usergroup and postcount.

The current stage of Akiba-Online is still an early one, and i hope to greatly improve the functionality and aesthetics of the forum in the coming months.

tl;dr: eventually.
Firstly, don't count on there being another downtime or data-loss.

To sort the members by a custom field such as 'thanks' would require a minor modification to the forum code. Such minor functional tweaks are planned, though the relative priority is low...

As for ranks determined by 'thanks', it's conceivable, however the planned VIP usergroup won't be tied to it in such a way.

Currently user titles are determined by usergroup and postcount.

The current stage of Akiba-Online is still an early one, and i hope to greatly improve the functionality and aesthetics of the forum in the coming months.

tl;dr: eventually.

Summarizing in few words, the answer for my suggestions is "NO" , alright ?
No, the answer is 'eventually'