Summer Theme?

Mar 27, 2007
Not complaining or anything like that, but curious to see it. June 21 is the start of summer in America, so we've reached the latest possible date...
Actually we're trying to stabilise the theme overall, so that the forum will retain a distinct look and feel, however a new banner for summer will be created soon.
Welcome back... guess we missed summer and need fall now? :)

This spring theme may be too sugary for my blood to handle. :)
I'd really prefer something a bit darker or perhaps blue instead as long as it's less greeny, but that's just me. Also imo, the icons makes it hard to see what subforums that got new posts etc. But who am I to complain, I'll suffer through it for now.. ;)
Can we have options for alternative skin (like we used to have)?

Cant stand bright colors. >.<
Gonna bring back the winter and default vB skins soon (for those who can't stand the green)

And the banner too, definitely needs a redesign...
Gonna bring back the winter and default vB skins soon (for those who can't stand the green)

And the banner too, definitely needs a redesign...

Great to hear its in the plans. Thanks.
Regarding the banner, well, it is cute i suppose... but i agree a change is needed.

Slowly though, no rushes. Priority should go to getting the forum as stable as possible. :D
Gonna bring back the winter and default vB skins soon (for those who can't stand the green)

And the banner too, definitely needs a redesign...

Any news on that winter theme Chompy? Seeing as it is approaching winter now, and I miss that cutey character with frosty breath. :love:

I am also beginning to feel queezy at this green :dizzy:
I wanna get a permanent theme in place, rather than a season thing. Maybe seasonal banners. But not green.

I'm sick of the green too.

I might just colour-shift all the existing elements and make a new banner.

It's pretty headache-inducing.

I've actually been looking around for some cool themes, but a clean dark style without too much junk is hard to come by. Plus I'm not even sure which colours to go for...

Any feedback or ideas or whatever would be helpful.
I wanna get a permanent theme in place, rather than a season thing. Maybe seasonal banners. But not green.

I'm sick of the green too.

I might just colour-shift all the existing elements and make a new banner.

It's pretty headache-inducing.

I've actually been looking around for some cool themes, but a clean dark style without too much junk is hard to come by. Plus I'm not even sure which colours to go for...

Any feedback or ideas or whatever would be helpful.

I'm probably very alone in my opinion here, but I really like brown, orange and cream, 70's retro style. But then I guess that doesn't fit this forum at all does it?...

I really liked the winter theme from last year. Seeing as you don't want it seasonal, couldn't you remove the winter-themed elements and keep the colour scheme?

For the sake of your head and it's aches, I'm sure there are some budding artists here, perhaps a little competition of sorts would produce something worthwhile...
I dunno maybe. I just have this fear of a ghost-thread that nobody posts in...