Gonna bring back the winter and default vB skins soon (for those who can't stand the green)
And the banner too, definitely needs a redesign...
Gonna bring back the winter and default vB skins soon (for those who can't stand the green)
And the banner too, definitely needs a redesign...
I wanna get a permanent theme in place, rather than a season thing. Maybe seasonal banners. But not green.
I'm sick of the green too.
I might just colour-shift all the existing elements and make a new banner.
It's pretty headache-inducing.
I've actually been looking around for some cool themes, but a clean dark style without too much junk is hard to come by. Plus I'm not even sure which colours to go for...
Any feedback or ideas or whatever would be helpful.
I dunno maybe. I just have this fear of a ghost-thread that nobody posts in...