The Japanese Lady Ass Bruise Phenomenon!(正座)


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
This earth of ours has many mysteries. Some are perplexed by the Loch Ness Monster. Others, befuddled by Bigfoot. Well, I say rare is the mystery more astonishing than ...

The Japanese Lady Ass Bruise Phenomenon!

Some of us may be thrown for a loop the many times we encounter the wonders of Japanese genetics. Not all Japanese are affected by this advantage that nature has thrown their way (those of you who have seen JAVs featuring The Creep know what I'm talking about), but when it happens, we often do a double take. 'Course, what is an advantage for the Japanese who are blessed by youthful genes is not always a boon for us as drooling porn viewers, because who needs a mother-daughter film, for example, where both actresses look like sisters?

Yet could this peculiar genetic advantage also work against the Japanese? (That is, if many Japanese have a gene that proves beneficial, could they also suffer from another gene that targets many Japanese, not having their best interest at heart?) When I first started watching JAV years ago, I kept running into example after example of the mysterious Japanese Lady Ass Bruise Phenomenon!

Usually the "Ass Bruise" would appear on the posteriors of the mature flock, but I tell you, there have been times when I have witnessed this marvel on the bee-hinds of the youngsters as well. How could this be? I have seen a lot of Western porn, and I don't remember (as a sort-of-rule) coming across the "Ass Bruise" on the asses of the ladies of other races/peoples. Nor have I encountered the "Ass Bruise" on the non-Japanese booties I have personally run into, and have had the privilege to feel up. (Have not had the opportunity, unfortunately, to get up close and personal with the Japanese variety.)

After thirty or forty JAV spottings, there was no mistaking that this was a genuine pattern... it couldn't have been just coincidence. At this point of my realization, I kicked myself for not making a pictorial record to share my findings with the rest of my fellow scientists at Akiba-Online. So only around a month or two ago did I resolve to make for lost time, and take a snapshot each time I came across this amazing occurrence.

The following may not be the most favorable representation, but what do you want? I can't spend all waking hours at the JAV laboratory. This is why my post will end with a plea to the porn perusers out there peeking at this thread.

Let us begin with the buttocks of Kaori Fukuyama, from Assault of a Hot MILF Executive - Set Up By a Jealous Employee, A Beautiful Mature Woman is Forced to Be Naked in Front of the Workers Before Being Utterly Disgraced and Violated [HAVD-874]:

Ass Bruise Kaori Fukuyama  HAVD-874].jpg

I can't resist adding that I have found the actress to be especially sexy...

Kaori Fukuyama.JPG

... And this one looks to be her only starring role. She has also appeared in two other JAVs, sharing the spotlight with other actresses. Her trademarks are her short hairstyle, pointy pumps and miniskirt. I wish she had gone on to do more smutty stuff.

Next, we've got -- from one of my favorite series -- Mako Morishita (A.K.A. Asako Morishita) in Friend’s Mother Violated in Front of Him [SPRD-660]:

Ass Bruise Mako Morishita SPRD-660.jpg

Mako Morishita.JPG

One of my favorite actresses, Honami Takasaka (Reiko Sawamura), is also a member of the "Ass Bruise" club, appearing in an episode of another appealing series, Gangbang ex-Homeroom Teacher, Fake Reunion [SPRD-667]:

Ass Bruise Reiko Sawamura) [SPRD-667].jpg

Reiko Sawamura.JPG

Here is Mika Matsushita, from Compromised Stepmother - Wife in Her Fifties Given a Cream Pie By Her Stepson [NATR-259]:

Ass Bruise Mika Matsushita NATR-259.jpg

(Okay, okay, not the best frame grab... but the bruise is there, trust me. Study that left cheek, for God's sake.)

Mika Matsushita.JPG

And what about Rei Kitajima, from the last chapter of Mother Violated In the Bathroom By My Friends Until She Got Incontinent [UGUG-084]?

Ass Bruise Rei Kitajima UGUG-084-sscene 3.jpg

Although Rei is a veteran in the JAV racket, I never paid special attention to her before watching the above title.

Rei Kitajima.JPG

She struck me as very winning, to the point of my wishing to check her out in some of her other movies. Naturally, it was my duty to study her ass bruises elsewhere, and I noticed she carried the same two marks, one on each cheek. So maybe what she has aren't exactly bruises, but permanent marks? (I tell you, there is a lot behind the science of the "Ass Bruise.")

Now will you look at this? We have an actual diva of JAV... a genuine grande dame. Even she has not escaped the Japanese Lady Ass Bruise Phenomenon! Yes, I'm talking of none other than the beautiful Eriko Miura, as she appeared in Friend's Mother [VEC-046]:

Ass Bruise Eriko Miura  VEC-046.jpg

Eriko Miura.JPG

A lot of the "Friend's Mother" movies can be repetitive and uninspiring, but I happened to like this particular one; for one thing, the tormentor was played by the Un-Juvenile Delinquent, the very overaged rascal who makes for a delightfully mean villain. In this one, he engages in blackmail, and then forces Eriko's son to watch the goings-on. (Yes, you may be saying that sounds like the plot of a thousand other JAVs, but I enjoyed Eriko's plight, yes I did.)

Finally, yet another Friend's Mother [VEC-104], starring Haruka Misaki:

Ass Bruise Haruka Misaki VEC-104.jpg

So here is your assignment, JAV aficionados; the next time you come across an example of the Japanese Lady Ass Bruise Phenomenon, take a moment out of your hedonistic delirium, click on your Windows Snipping Tool or other picture-cropping program, take a shot, and post it on this thread. Just you wait and see how far and wide this unbelievable phenomenon extends to.

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Another very interesting post- I will try to come up with some examples, but in the meantime, thanks for the tip on Kaori Fukuyama!
I too have noticed it and been turned off by it. I prefer a more rounded bum than the asian norm, and these bone marks seem always on the less meaty ladies. Could it be from sitting on wooden seats, or floors... or being fucked missionary style on hard surfaces?
Dr. Leebar says this could be remedied by spending more time on their knees.
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I haven't noticed it that much to be honest , but its probobly because i only watch jav with young girls ... and this seems to be a problem with more mature women.
I too have noticed it and been turned off by it. I prefer a more rounded bum than the asian norm, and these bone marks seem always on the less meaty ladies. Could it be from sitting on wooden seats, or floors... or being fucked missionary style on hard surfaces?
Dr. Leebar says this could be remedied by spending more time on their knees.

I've always noticed it and assumed that very thing. Way more wooden seating in Japan. Every sushi bar I've been there is a section of seating with wooden seats with "authentic" decor.

GREAT POST, jugulear! Overdue...
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Jugulear, you entertain me with your discoveries.

Well, it just so turns out that I have the rare qualifications and experience to help out with this phenomenon!

1. Posture when sitting.
2. Sitting on floor/hard seats.
3. General construction of some Japanese legs, perhaps exacerbated due to posture when sitting.
4. Lack of "meat" aka fat/muscle on the ischial tuberosity aka "butt bone".
5. In some cases genetic. Can have it from early childhood before one has been sitting for years.
6. Tends to get worse with age (reduced muscle mass and prolonged friction/ischemia over time)

There are explanations for it indeed! Whether it's eating disorders, lack of exercise, low calorie diets, prolonged sitting on thin or no cushion, lack of a thick gluteal padding, there are plenty of Japanese that are affected.

Even so, there are non-Japanese, generally more elderly, that have a similar condition and for similar reasons.
This is a fascinating anomaly you've brought to our attention. Could the discoloration have been in place on her skin before her hemispheres filled out (so wonderfully) from within? I believe the medical term for the phenomena is cheek pigment continental drift. Yeah. Pretty sure.

Images can be deceiving (a breathtaking insight to find on a porn site). So let me ask my colleagues, Doctors Galactus and Casshern II, do you agree that a manual examination is in order?

In Akane's case, I would go bimanual.
This is a fascinating anomaly you've brought to our attention. Could the discoloration have been in place on her skin before her hemispheres filled out (so wonderfully) from within? I believe the medical term for the phenomena is cheek pigment continental drift. Yeah. Pretty sure.

Images can be deceiving (a breathtaking insight to find on a porn site). So let me ask my colleagues, Doctors Galactus and Casshern II, do you agree that a manual examination is in order?

In Akane's case, I would go bimanual.

Very lengthy examinations. ;):p:D
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I was going to suggest that very thing! Lengthy, prolonged, detailed and thorough examinations are necessary to solve this perplexing issue and resolve for the sake of science. Yes,... science.

A hypothesis is in order, don't you all agree?

The skin on the buttocks when standing is in its loosest state. And bent over it will naturally become more taut. So it is not indicative of where the bony parts of the body will pressure the skin while sitting on a chair, and there are several different ways to sit on the floor for Japanese.

You can sit on your heels, you can sit on your side, sit with knees up, etc. So, the anomaly may not be such an anomaly after all.

Another possibility is that the marks could have been from a period many years before and the skin has moved a bit due to a "continental drift" as it were, due to weight gain or loss.

All speculation at this point, though. Need a volunteer. Anyone??
At first I had the silly idea that this thread would be peppered with further photographic examples (good old Casshern2 broke the mold with his shots for KTDS-752, above), but I don't think that's gonna happen. The point has been made, and besides, the discussion took a turn that I did not expect: Science!

Anyway, I ran into this shot of one of my faves, Yu Kawakami, and thought it worthy of mention, since she has a plump-ish ass; in her case, one of Dr. Galactus' criteria, "4. Lack of 'meat,'" should not apply

Yu Kawakami [DJSI-057.JPG
Right in Front of the Husband - Internet Addicted Married Woman r*** Slave [DJSI 057]

In addition, I wished to bring up an example of a younger woman afflicted by the phenomenon:

Hana Yoshida [URE-019].JPG

Hana Yoshida

Reiko Sawamura Hana Yoshida [URE-019].JPG

... Lying (at left) beside Honami Takasaka (Reiko Sawamura), whom we already know is stricken from my initial examples, in one from the "Disqualification of a Mother" series, [URE 019].

Can't say if the bruise symptoms are caused by the same factors, but here is one potential example of the phenomenon on a young man!

RCT-746 Boys.jpg

(From RCT 746, featuring Emiri Tsukishima and Mio Hazuki - if interested, 773 MB stream link provided on my first post here.)

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As I wrote, the point's been made. In the interim, I've been noticing more examples of younger women being affected by this fascinating condition, but because the point's been made, there was no reason to bring them up. On the other hand, it's very interesting for younger women to be affected, because we can better understand why the "mature" ladies could get hit by all of this. (You get older, things happen. Not always pretty things.) So it's quite the slap in the face when fruit get bruised just as they are blossoming.

I noticed this one, and I decided to point it out. What the hey.

From Sensitive Young Lady Who Can't Let Her Voice Out in the Library is Brimming With Sexual Fluid to the Point That It Comes Out Like a Strand 16 [NHDTA-728]; I don't know who this particular sensitive young lady is, but the cast includes Airu Minami, Mio Kayama, Karen Haruki, Kana Tsuruta and Azumi Chino.



Somehow I randomly thought of this thread and at the same time thought of why these bruises are so common. As some have mentioned sitting would be the case, but I never thought sitting on hardwood (much less morningwood) would be the cause, but rather sitting on one's own heels.
To sit seiza-style, one must first be kneeling on the floor, folding one's legs underneath one's thighs, while resting the buttocks on the heels.
Thus the bruising, by my thoughts, is caused directly by the heels pushing in the buttocks while sitting seiza.
Oh well, whatever it is, I don't like seeing bruised butts, fyi.