The Mystery of Loli Aoi Endo [solved]


we all make mistakes
Jun 6, 2007
i knew a girl in kansas city
she had a mole on her left…

several years ago, this little loli made a big splash here at akiba-online, then promptly disappeared:

01 aoi endo maik-001 2011-01-07.jpg

in more recent times, a-o began sporting loli threads and approved lists and whatnot, but with no aoi endo/endoh/endou. i attributed this to the current generational prejudice that anything previous to yesterday is ancient history and unworthy of attention. i attempted to correct this by posting some provocative screenshots from her masterbatepiece maik-001 in the ultimate loli thread. these generated some lively commentary, this gist of which was “wow, she’s a gorgeous loli… maybe even a little bit tooo loli”. at some point, the entire post and all references to it disappeared. no explanation. nada. a local authority being careful, i suspect. (hey, this isn’t my website. i kowtow.) but all that just increased the mystery. she did at least two other films:

02 aoi endo amen-001 2010-04-02.jpg
03 aoi endo kndn-001 21-5-2012.jpg

to the best of my knowledge, these weren’t shared. they were all looky-no-touchy things (idol, IV, gravure, softcore… whatever you call them). but that was the end of endo. or was it? me, i have poor eyesight and shit for brains, and get fooled easily when actresses change their appearances. even a simple name change throws me. but apparently, this one threw everybody else; for i never saw any reference to this possibility: if i’m right, aoi endo became chiwa/chocha osaki/oosaki/ohsaki. look at these chiwa covers:

04 chiwa oosaki mom-077 2009-6-12.jpg
05 IBW118.jpg

chiwa looks quite similar to aoi endo, no? but lots of girls look similar. one thing that confused me was javlibrary listing the release date of maik-001 as jan 7 2011. the release dates of chiwa’s earliest javs were at the end of 2008. if she’s doing hardcore jav in 2008, it’s not bloody likely that she’s doing soft stuff in 2011. however, after digging a bit, i found this:

06 aoi endo sbik-01 dec2008.jpg

while i haven’t seen this film sbik-01, all the photos on the backcover are from the same scenes as maik-001. surely it’s the same film or a different edit of the same scenes, AND its release date is december 2008. now it’s beginning to make sense. chiwa/aoi made a few teasers before taking the plunge into hardcore jav and changing her name. the date on maik-001 is either wrong or it’s a 2011 repackaging of material shot in 2008. but how to prove that these actresses are one and the same? lacking access to D-N-A, i resort to M-O-L-E. facial moles can be air-brushed away or covered with make-up. as expected, the faces of both girls are unblemished on camera.

07 aoi's face no mole.png
08 chiwa's face no mole.jpg

but they usually don’t bother with the body. so i did a rather close examination of aoi’s maik-001 and chiwa’s wa-139. and there on the upper left leg (right side as you look at it) of both aoi and chiwa is an identical mole.

09 aoi's leg text and arrow.png
10 chiwa leg text and arrow.png

now, i can hear some of you out there thinking “please don’t tell me that this dirty old wanker has pinned his hopes to a leg mole”. well, not just one leg mole. i fish where the fishing is good. and so i took a close look at the other leg in both videos which revealed two more identical moles.

11 aoi right leg moles arrows text.png
12 chiwa right leg moles arrows text.png

so same girl, right? end of story? no, not quite. note that the cover of aoi’s kndn-001 lists her height at 140cm. yet both the backcover of chiwa’s mom-077 and naked-art magazine put her height at 149cm. wtf? two different girls? what about those leg moles? same girl? then what happened to the 9cm? i dragged out the yardstick and started taking measurements in scenes and making comparisons right off the tv monitor. but honestly, it’s hard to get any conclusive results when you’re really just guessing at the heights of various background objects. nevertheless, having done all that, i’d say the girls are about the same… closer to five feet than four and a half. and the 140 vs 149? i think we’ve been ‘pwned’… or ‘owned’, depending on your point of view. i think that someone made a typo on that 149cm height, and by the time it was discovered, a 140cm claim didn’t seem so bad. make the little shrimp littler. i mean, who was going to check? what were they going to do? trot out a measuring stick? look for leg moles? still, i wanted something more convincing. it had been bothering me for quite some time and i wanted to get to the bottom of it. so to the bottom i went. and there in the same two films… at one o’clock on the anal dial of both aoi and chiwa, was another identical mole !!

13 aoi butt with text and arrows.png
14 chiwa butt with text and arrows.png

now that’s proof positive! chiwa oosaki and aoi endo are the same actress. no buts about it. as chiwa is already on the loli approved list, i guess we can leave aoi endo off and put all other concerns about her behind us. what we now need are some re-ups and new shares of all their material, if anyone can oblige. only a few are still out there in the wild. (i’d point you in the right direction to them, but i don’t know if that constitutes “a referral”, and i don’t need my mole-less ass kicked out of here two weeks before my tenth. try a helpline.)

15 chiwa speechbubble mole on my.jpg
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Ah, the ‘ol “do the moles match?” investigation technique. I used this once before to great success!

i knew a girl in kansas city
she had a mole on her left…

several years ago, this little loli made a big splash here at akiba-online, then promptly disappeared:

in more recent times, a-o began sporting loli threads and approved lists and whatnot, but with no aoi endo/endoh/endou. i attributed this to the current generational prejudice that anything previous to yesterday is ancient history and unworthy of attention.

can you give more details about what you mean, I do not know about a current generational prejudice
can you give more details about what you mean, I do not know about a current generational prejudice

hmm… that may be a hangover from when i lobbied unsuccessfully for the inclusion of maru yamamoto in the official approved list of the ultimate loli thread. the thread’s creator (an avid shuna kagami fan) and one or two members of the reigning cabal, admitted that maru was indeed loli-like. but a verdict of exclusion had to be reached based on the fact that she was retired, old-school, irrelevant… or, in the creator’s exact words “damn, she's from 2008”!!!

60 gif.gif

but as the days of ’17 rolled on, the reality sunk in that shuna too had indeed retired. she too was becoming irrelevant… old-school. and the creator was left to opine this plaintive lament:

“So is anyone else like me and still jerkin it to old Shuna Kagami videos”?

the cabal was quick to console with assurances that they too still jerked off occasionally to shuna. but it all had the hollow ring of a realization that, like maru, shuna was now just a memory… yesterday’s news… a waste of sperm. and with their encouraging words, they were merely branding themselves as irretrievably behind the times. just more old farts of akiba.

shuna who.png
hmm… that may be a hangover from when i lobbied unsuccessfully for the inclusion of maru yamamoto in the official approved list of the ultimate loli thread. the thread’s creator (an avid shuna kagami fan) and one or two members of the reigning cabal, admitted that maru was indeed loli-like. but a verdict of exclusion had to be reached based on the fact that she was retired, old-school, irrelevant… or, in the creator’s exact words “damn, she's from 2008”!!!
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Yes I did think there was some unusual choices, but then it is like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder
This is the most entertaining (and enlightening) post I've read in a long time.

Can anyone find any working links to these films?