Look at these eerie cloud formations.
And then don’t tell me they are natural.
Geoengineering is real and modify our weather.
Wind brushed clouds over Bellingham, Washington on August 1, 2016
The HAARP radio waves, produce this type of clouds that
look like stretched wires
Iridescence on cirrus clouds in Australia on August 9, 2016
Before shaking the ground (earthquake), these colors appear in the clouds.
Anvil mammatus clouds engulf Groningen, Netherlands on August 10, 2016
Ghostly lenticular cloud near Etna, Sicily
You can see in the picture (Circle) in that area is the HAARP working.
Noctilucent clouds over Umeå, Sweden. August 7, 2016
You can see in the picture, many white lines very tight.
These are the HAARP waves, soaring through the sky
in a circle shape.
Photos By: VK - Michael Thompson - Alessandro Lo Piccolo - Ruslan Merzlyakov
Sources: strangesounds.org
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