This can be true or false. How to Stop Chemtrails and H.A.A.R.P?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013

That each draw their own conclusions.

How to Stop Chemtrails and H.A.A.R.P

Chemtrails are nothing more than ice crystals. Your best proof of this is that you don't see them on a hot summer day with clear blue skies. Instead, you will see them as ordinary looking contrails.

Now as for the HAARP program, this could be a juicy conspiracy theory indeed. But not like you think. Have heard that the antenna array actually points down toward the earth's core, and that they are secretly trying to offset the detrimental effects of various vortices, (that have aluminum isotope 26 in their composition), and seem to be slowing the rotation of the earth's iron core.


If the earth's core slows down enough, we could lose our magnetic field, and also our atmosphere. This would cause a worldwide mass extinction. Some folks think we are already well into the onset of this global mass extinction, and that this is evidenced by an accelerated global climate change. How creepy is that?

For a reference on this subject, you may want to watch a film called, "The Devil's Graveyards: Vile Vortices Revealed". They show it on the History Channel once in awhile.
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I don't know about all that. The HAARP program is pretty fishy, no doubt there. But slowing down the Earths' core? That makes no sense whatsoever. You might just want to look into that more. You can't slow down the Earths' Core without slowing down the Earth itself and the Earth is rotating due to the Suns' irresistible gravity. Nothing man made can slow a planet down, hell, we couldn't even slow an asteroid down (blow one up...maybe, if it was small enough). So I think someone is pulling your leg there. There was a ScyFy film about this subject but it was just that, sciencefiction.

As far as the History Channel goes they really aren't very good at showing much worthwhile. It is good for picking up a lot of tidbits on history but they add a lot of misinformation and miscellaneous biased views to make for "better" television. The only thing I like they show is "Vikings", which at least they don't try to pass of as actual history. Makes me miss PublicBroadcating (PBS) it does.

An interesting article of note on the Earths' core:
Yeah, so according to this fairly new conspiracy, there is like 12 large areas on earth with a thick layer of this aluminum, which is diamagnetic, and also of the isotope 26 variety. If you believe the film, these vortices work in much the same way as how we slow down a modern roller-coaster.

Personally feel we should take all these conspiracy theories with a grain of salt, but still they are fun. One of my favorites is the silly one about how George Bush, (the elder), is actually a reptilian alien. :eek: Guess we all know how he really broke that bone in his neck. <grin>
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