This Mom Has Sacrificed Herself for Her Indebted Daughter and Deserves Recognition!


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012

Can you help me?


I'd like to know who this lady is.


She appears in:

Mother and Daughter Buried in Debt, Mother-Daughter Double Pussy Combo [FAA-064]


Here are screen shots.

A couple more:


Here is the whole damned movie, for 681 MB.

Any clues from the usual sources, DMM, Sougouwiki, Asian Screens? None that I could spot.


But I've got an idea for a clue. I was not smart enough to follow up on it, and maybe you will be.

Many moons ago, Clever Member Fakeaccounts got to the bottom of another I.D. question for me. It was regarding a FA-PRO movie.

I don't know how he navigated so knowingly in FA-PRO's site, but he managed.

So I went into that foreboding site -- here is an example page for one of their movies:

Now there is a search box at the left. (See, I'm not so dumb. Atop the User ID and Password boxes, where there is a cute little magnifying glass.)

It seems the way they put forth their DVD codes (what they call "Part Number") is in the following format, for the example above:


So I followed that format for our film: FAA064-2

I didn't get anything, nor did I get anything when I put in the Japanese title that I got from DMM, which is "借金まみれ母娘 親子どんぶり "

I don't know. Maybe if you can get the page where they list FAA-064, they might have filled in their "Cast" line. (The first line. An English translation for one of their other movie pages.) Then again, this could be a bum steer.


Following up on another idea, I noticed in the English-translated FA-PRO page that the last section of their column on the left was reserved for directors. Henry Tsukamoto is the director for FAA-064, who happened to head that list. I clicked on the ten Henry Tsukamoto pages, but our film was not among them. This caused me to recall a recent thread where we learned FA-PRO devotes some of their DVD code prefixes to certain directors, Henry Tsukamoto being assigned the "HTMS" ones. Well, it looks like Mr. Tsukamoto gets other prefixes, too.


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Not sure why you searched on the FA-Pro site, I don't think F&A is one of their labels.
Well, obviously the reason why I searched on the FA-Pro site was because... I'm a careless dummkopf. I mean, look; FAA-064 has an "F" and an "A," so obviously that made it a FA-PRO movie, didn't it?

Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways, Electromog. (Sigh! I tell ya, if I had the proverbial nickel for every error I've made... )

You guys were not punishing me for being so stupid, were you? Let's take another stab at this mystery.

Thank you so much for venturing, Zonan! I adore Yurie Matsushima; I had given her a loving look here. There is also another actress by the same (or almost the same) name, whom I happened to slightly explore over here. These are different women.

Looking at the face of the unknown maiden above, I was reminded — only a little — of the porn actress, Cheyenne Hunter.

Cheyenne Hunter.jpg
(Thankfully, no resemblance to Cheyenne's artificially bloated breasts.)

Yeah, it's no joke, Joker9450... I must be gravitating toward the ones who have a few more years on them, because they are generally more distinguishable, adding to their character, which impacts on their sexiness. But there is no shortage of younger women who have the same qualities, which makes them no less special. The lure of women is that they are women... and then, who knows the features each present that make us give those second looks.

Thank you to those making an effort trying to solve the identity of this particular lady.

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Hi, Djemba! I thank you dearly, at least for spending your precious time on this one... and also for...

What I mean is, I did not have that "A-HA" moment at first. Yet when I checked the JavLibrary page, I discovered I had one of the five movies at hand, PTA Mother Rubbed Up By Her Son [SPRD-782]. I opened it up, to make some comparisons...


SPRD-782 - FAA-064 2.jpg

SPRD-782 - FAA-064 6.jpg

SPRD-782 - FAA-064.jpg

It was her distinctive ear that clinched the I.D.:

SPRD-782 - FAA-064-ear.jpg

Interestingly, four of the five movies were not even listed at Sougouwiki, and the fifth one (MOND-028) had no actress identification. Asian Screens has pegged her as "Aya Kokusho," and her Minnano-AV page sheds little more light on the actress.

Her DMM page reveals a sixth movie (ANB-75), as well as a couple of compilations. Oh... actually, Minnano-AV also had revealed that one, just noticed; the latter left out MOND-028.

This was a really tough one. Boy, you sure know your Japanese ladies, Djemba... this is the kind of I.D. that separates the men from the boys. Kudos!

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