Tips on Downloading "FlashX" and "Streamin"


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Recent thread here asking about how to download streams from a site was so impressive, what with the knowledge provided by our astute members, it gave me the courage to pop this question. (My hero is the Cowardly Lion.)

There is a handful of stream providers who have made it difficult, if not impossible, to download their movies. A main culprit is "FlashX" (Not to be confused with the Adobe Flash Player.... I guess).

See if you can get a downloading program of yours to work with this (for now) working FlashX link. (For OBA 199.)

Another problematic one is; try the (for now) working link below, regarding a movie that reminds us what circumstances made it possible for us to enjoy JAV today. (USA! USA!)

Unfortunately my download software didn't see the video in either of those streams.
According to my anti virus software the jdownloader installer is not to be trusted, so I guess I'll pass.
Thank you for the input, Ailyeric! Aghh... I have an aversion to download managers based on my experience with them. (They have a tendency to take over.) But if this one will work when others do not, perhaps it's worth a try...

I thought the easiest way to give Jdownloader a try would be to add it as an extension to Chrome via this link - but the icon is just sitting there. (It asked for a registration, and I completed that maneuver.) I clicked on "Help," and it looks like one has to download an installer. But the mighty Electromog has given his warning (when the electrifying one speaks, one would be a fool not to listen). I'm also reading on that link some reviewers' complaints that this program doesn't always work as a Chrome extension.

Maybe I'll give this portable version a try (Portables have less of a chance of mucking up one's system), particularly since my anti-virus program (AVAST) has given it a clean bill of health... I've downloaded what turned out to be a 64 MB file (big!), but I'm feeling antsy about it. (No relation to ANT downloader. By the way, Codegeek, do you remember your recommendation of ANT for that site we were talking about in Stream DOWNLOADS? I found a painless version of ANT as an add-in/extension for Firefox, and the program did work. Thank you.)

This is just so much work. Dash it all, must it be such a chore for a dishonest guy to appropriate pirated videos? Simply not fair.

Portable version seems to work ok with both of the sites you mentioned.
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Thanks to Electromog, I found the courage to give this accursed download manager a try.

I was disappointed to see the program apparently actually installed itself, even though this was supposed to be a portable version. I also see it asked for over two thousand updates, which I skipped (I hope that's not the reason why I am having trouble with JDownloader.) I also noticed the Chrome add-on wouldn't communicate with this portable version, I suppose one would need to install the Beta 2 version to get that going.

I tried my two links, and when I didn't get any movie links noticed, I tried with other stream links that get picked up easily by other programs. I also tried a YouTube link. All I get noticed are little peripheral files, like PNGs and JPGs. What do you suppose should need to get done?

As an example, here's what happens with the link I provided above (after copying the link into "Add URLs"):


And then:

Jdownloader 2.jpg

I guess it's fair for download managers not to like me, because I don't like them!

I'm not sure if the cause is JDownloader, but I noticed a lag with my Firefox clicking-around. When I installed the program, my firewall asked to give permission for JDownloader to work, and maybe the system now has interference.

Reason why I'm paranoid about this possibility at the moment is that I noticed "" butting in with my Chrome browsing. As a user on this page described it, "I get 5-10 seconds delay till the website loads and everything in it is inactive(like search bars, links and etc.) for like another 5 seconds." (You might be having this problem too, it seems prevalent.) One user said deactivating "FDV Downloader" solved the problem, but so far "" is still getting in the way.

Thanks for any pointers.

What needed deactivation was Fast Video Downloader, and not FDV, which is a different program; that did the trick.

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I get this instead:

Granted, I did do the 2000+ updates, though not the update to the new beta. Maybe that's the reason.

As for it being portable, it installed mine in some temp directory and I had to search to start it up again just now, as it's not listed in my programs list. I think it'll be gone if I ever remove temporary files.
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Thank you, as always, for the trouble you go through, in order to assist others.

I'm envious you got that program to show the link; I don't know why mine (and we downloaded the same installation file... by the way, thanks also for correcting my assumption that the program appeared to be installed) has refused to cooperate.

The only thing I did differently was not update the over-two-thousand updates, so I figured that would be my next step. But then I could not get the JDownloader icon in the taskbar to maximize. Finally, I decided to get rid of the program, but then "System Restore" would not complete. (Another couple of hours wasted trying to attend to that new problem... which I don't know whether JDownloader caused, but I had no other recent intruder in the computer.)

At least those with similar wonderments will learn, once again with thanks to Ailyeric, that there is a program out there that conquers these stream services that are so unfriendly. (JDownloader's main rival, Internet Download Manager, or IDM, may also be effective.) This makes me curious as to why the other stream download programs are so oblivious to whatever technique JDownloader employs.

This site will find and provide a link to FlashX videos. I've used it before for other sites, but for FlashX it requires the latest Java build.

Installing the newest build, if you don't already have it, requires a reboot. The signature of the Java component that needs to run has a Vietnamese name, last name Nguyen, as the author and not a "company" name. Not to say that's entirely a sign of anything sinister. As I said, I've used the site in the past but not for a site that required Java. The beauty of this is that once the link is discovered and you click the Download button it will then download in your default downloader. At least for me it did.
Hey, I just watched Terminator Genisys.

terminator genisys.jpg

Say, I thought... that's a clever play on words. A mix of "Genesis" and "Genius." Now hold my thought.

There's a great instruction page link that leads to some time-consuming steps one must take, in case the test video does not work. I haven't taken those steps yet (to update JAVA), but I've got a good feeling that things will run as silk as smooth. (Or whatevah.)

What really impressed me is that another in the tiny handful of Akiba-Online members, who has proven himself to be so helpful and selfless time after time, actually was aware of this solution.

Yep, I'm talking about Casshern2 Genisys. (Leave us all pray that... He'll be Back.)

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Just wanted to let you know that I ran into a porn page with a link which none of my downloading programs recognized, as usual.

I tried the two tricks that I reported here.

I thought for sure the trick with the "Developer Tools" would find success, but that one was a bust. When I ran the stream, the "Network" tab of "Developer Tools" did not recognize the running video.

Then I went to the "View Page Source" of the porn site page and tried the other trick, searching for "streamin." I found the pure link. (The link had the word "embed" in it, and ended with ".HTML.")

I copied and pasted that link into a new tab, and the "pure video" appeared. I then went to the "View Page Source" of this new page.

Here is where I tried the first trick. I now searched for SWF. It was there, on the page, and underneath there was a strange link with numbers and letters, ending in ".FLV." I copied and pasted this FLV link into a new tab, and Chrome automatically started to download it.

I don't know if this trick will work the next time I run into, but I found this to be a very exciting development.


I re-read this page's prior posts and noticed a link that I had provided in my first post. I opened up the link, and proceeded to the video page after their five-second countdown. Once on the page with the video, I went to "View page source," searched for SWF, and a similar FLV link with numbers and letters was directly below. I copied and pasted this link onto a new tab, and the download automatically began in Chrome. So the success was able to be repeated, at least one more time.

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Can't download too, tried "copy link location" and add new download on IDM, just show html instead of the file.
I am using firefox+flashgot(integration with IDM) but still can't open flahsx streaming.