Translate Jav covers?


Jul 12, 2008
Is there any way to translate the japanese in jav covers and replace with english etc? I think I saw some program a while ago which lets to select part of an image and then do OCR but there are many other things- e..g vertical vs horizontal, replacing text and making it fit etc.

Anyone know if this can be done and if there are any utils for this?
Not sure, but i always wonder how close to the originals these translations are..I realize some nuances cannot be translated, but some of the titles to me, at least, make no sense whatsoever.
I'd be interested in something like this also, if anyone has any functional online OCR which works with images
A quick and dirty solution might be putting the image URL into Google Lens, translating and then screen capturing the result.

Not entirely ideal but gets you somewhere.
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