Trying to make first Hentai animation! Hand Drawn


New Member
Aug 7, 2011
Hi all,

Me and the girlfriend (artist) are trying to make our very first hentai animation.

Currently shes doing commission work for hentai drawings but i feel as though we should also design some original pieces. Her gallery is below:

Has anyone had experience/knowledge of how to get an animation up and running?

at first, some artistic criticism:
your gf is making a huge mistake-firstly, she is not drawing from her head, all those are c/p from models from photography, and secondly she puts on those realistic bodies anime faces, a really bad mistake.

I don`t know how long she is drawing but I think she should stop doing all that c/p and start to develop her own way of drawing hentai. If she knows human anathomy it should be all right, if not, let her draw you naked body, be a pattern to her (yeah, laugh all you want if you want to but real models beat the crap out of those from books and dummies).

that`s it, let me know how you guys are progressing with model drawing.

Now on topic:
the only animation I know and did was by hand, old school, so I can`t let you know much about drawing in animation programs but I can let you know which ones are the best for scaning and a-motion for you if you have PC.
If you have tablet, that is maybe better and definetly an easier solution for begginer, I`d recommmend those from Wacom,pretty cheap for that kind of quality. If you get one of those, no other question are needed to be asked since you`ll get a nice handbook with all graphic programs that are compatible with it.
Well, it's not looking too bad, except the dichotomy between anime-type heads and western-type bodies, as already explained by ane-san.

But keep in mind that there is a huge difference between a bunch of drawings and a complete animation. For making a good animation you need to make all the intermediate steps between one drawing and another. This means 15-25 drawings per second, about 1200 drawings per minute, etc.

Better have an idea of a plot (or a bunch of situations at least), don't forget the colours unless you want to give a "manga" feeling to your production. And yeah learn about body proportions, perspective for the background and stuff like that.

I know some independant animators that really manage to create full-length animation features on their own, like Bill Plympton, but it takes many years to get through. Anyway good luck on yout project. :grassdance: