Kosaka Kotomi (高坂琴水) from the idol group Cypris Morpho (キプリスモルホォ).
She was born in 2000-03-28 & is 162cm tall.
Released in 2018-09-21.
ISO is 4.00GB
MP4 is 2.30GB
MP4 (BonusTrack) is 119MB
Movie's name is ピュア・スマイル, or ピュア・スマイル Pure Smile, not totally sure which way it should be.
This movie was a bit more "wild" than I expected, no complaints about that
Cypris Morpho's YouTube Channel:

She was born in 2000-03-28 & is 162cm tall.
Released in 2018-09-21.
ISO is 4.00GB
MP4 is 2.30GB
MP4 (BonusTrack) is 119MB
Movie's name is ピュア・スマイル, or ピュア・スマイル Pure Smile, not totally sure which way it should be.
This movie was a bit more "wild" than I expected, no complaints about that
Cypris Morpho's YouTube Channel: