since i've never managed to find a reliable free source for Gas-312, I decided to purchace it from The file Requires me to use Rplayer and need authetification when i want to open it, it works but who knows when the site might be going down forever and ill be unable to use my file?
but thats not the main point! since i've got my hands on this i want to share it back to community! yet i know nothing about video conversion , encoding and all. The many attempts I made to convert this file ended up in a file full of static .... any1 can set up an easy tutorial so i Can convert this movie and torrent it?
sharing is caring!
since i've never managed to find a reliable free source for Gas-312, I decided to purchace it from The file Requires me to use Rplayer and need authetification when i want to open it, it works but who knows when the site might be going down forever and ill be unable to use my file?
but thats not the main point! since i've got my hands on this i want to share it back to community! yet i know nothing about video conversion , encoding and all. The many attempts I made to convert this file ended up in a file full of static .... any1 can set up an easy tutorial so i Can convert this movie and torrent it?
sharing is caring!