Hayama Marina (葉山まりな)
Released in 2014-11-14.
ISO-file is 3.45GB
MP4 is 1.66GB
The ISO also came with an folder called 0012FA, so I included that just in case someone has some use to that.
This movie was pretty wild, as expected of an TW-series release, so there are some scenes included where they had to censor stuff, sorry for not making any more screenshots this time.
I got this one for really cheap so it was an easy purchase, only 400yen + postages but it didn't include any covers, just the disc.
For some reason when I try to make a torrent of her first movie 2011-10-14 - GRP-008 - グラパン! it always crashes the uTorrent so I cannot upload it, sorry. Probably it has something to do with the file being an AVI but I don't know.
You can find her 1st movie in here:
If she has made any other movies than these two I'm not aware of them.

Released in 2014-11-14.
ISO-file is 3.45GB
MP4 is 1.66GB
The ISO also came with an folder called 0012FA, so I included that just in case someone has some use to that.
This movie was pretty wild, as expected of an TW-series release, so there are some scenes included where they had to censor stuff, sorry for not making any more screenshots this time.
I got this one for really cheap so it was an easy purchase, only 400yen + postages but it didn't include any covers, just the disc.
For some reason when I try to make a torrent of her first movie 2011-10-14 - GRP-008 - グラパン! it always crashes the uTorrent so I cannot upload it, sorry. Probably it has something to do with the file being an AVI but I don't know.
You can find her 1st movie in here:
If she has made any other movies than these two I'm not aware of them.