Oh, you'd like to start a JAV channel? I don't know if there are any sites where you could stream porn. Your own stuff? Well, there are probably sites for that, but I can't see any site that allows its users to stream content made by others (in this case, JAV companies) staying alive. A site like that would get shut down pretty quickly. Or maybe not, seeing how lots of illegal stuff stay up and running. It's an interesting thought for sure!
I agree. It would be great if there was a site to watch JAV with friends that also let you chat at the same time.Yes, it is sometimes boring, to watch JAV on your own.
From a certain angle Cyndi wang looks like okuda saki.Well, I guess the next best thing would be to start a new thread where people who are interested in this sort of thing would all watch one film on a certain day then discuss it for the remainder of the week. Next week, another film, and so on. Sort of like a film club on Fridays or something like that!