UFOs or Secret Military Aircrafts? . 2 Videos.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Is this a cloaked UFO or the next generation of super secret supersonic stealth aircraft.

Caught on camera flying, It looks like a very oversized F117 and seemed to be the size of a Boeing 737.

This craft seems to emit massive contrails / chemtrails and there is always the question ....

What exactly is, in this visible white plume from jet engines and the shadow this one casts.?


" If this is fake, the video is very well done."

Study Of Chemtrails. Explanation ?. Reason ?.


" Still unknown? "
" Is not known to have that chemistry wake fixed
to stay so long in the air with that shadow. "

The Mysterious Triangular Craft Pictured Flying Over Texas- MARCH 30, 2014


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