(Updated 2021) Identify star in 3rd scene in RCTD-034

bart roberts

Nov 21, 2016
full name of film:
ハレンチ水着でポロリ!ストラックアウト チャンスは12回、パネルを1枚抜く度に賞金10万円!3枚以下なら見知らぬチ○ポを抜いてもらうエロ罰ゲーム!!

Polo With Harenchi Swimsuit!Stack Out


So the plot of the scene is this: Five women each take part in a game where they dress in scantily swimsuits and throw baseballs at the numbered tiles 1-9 in order to win cash prizes in a span of around 10 minutes. They receive the punishment of getting fucked or have to give blowjob at the end based on their performance. They all did pretty bad, each star threw the baseball dozens of times and only got an average of 3 successful hits each.

According to sougouwiki
The names of 4 of the 5 stars are identified. (all were given nicknames, all are not officially credited in the film)
1. 浜崎真緒 Mao Hamasaki
2. 成海夏季 Natsuki Narumi
3. unidentified. credited as "あかね" Akane
4. 月本愛 Tsukimoto Ai
5. 桜咲姫莉 Ozaki Himei

I would like to know who is in the third scene. She is credited as "あかね" Akane, 24 years old with H cup breasts, (movie was shot in September 2017). I tried searching for her but with out luck. In the scene, She performed really badly and gave a titjob and received a load on her tits in the end. The scene then abruptly cuts to her with an even bigger cumload on her tits. Sadly, the full scene where she received that second cumshot was cut out from the film and not included.

Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 6.52.19 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.07.52 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.08.08 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.08.21 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.08.32 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.08.36 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.10.06 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.10.26 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 6.53.16 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.11.22 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 6.53.34 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 7.08.53 AM.png

If you want to buy and stream the film in full hd, go here:

And for those who wants to see the full film for free, go here:

UPDATE 13/05/2021:
Found another scene of her under same alias with different spelling 'Akane'/'アカネ' in:
SIRO-3213 ネットでAV応募→AV体験撮影 450

Sougouwiki identifies her as "夏目茜" / "Natsume Akane"
アカネ 23歳 ホテルの受付




These are the only scenes I found of her so far.
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You did a nice job with all the detail but please never put up PNGs as photos the next time. Convert to JPGs. (You probably have a photo program; there are a lot of them.) These giant-sized photos strain resources and the page takes forever to load.

Hope someone will figure out who she is for you.
sorry,after rechecked,she's not 水咲あかね
you should work on your sleuthing skills. the identification was way off.

The unknown woman is younger and fitter. And her breast size is a bit smaller. Her eyes are much different too. clearly not the one you said.
Maybe you can try asking in sougouwiki identify post. I tried asking there, got mine solved in 2 days
could you put in a topic for me. it appears they dont allow out of japan users to post there.
Here, i created the format for you to copy paste. just use the beginning images if you can:

質問内容:"あかね", 女性#3,黄色水着, H cup, 24歳
Maybe you can try asking in sougouwiki identify post. I tried asking there, got mine solved in 2 days

That is so cool that you knew about this side of Sougouwiki, s000027. I translated that page to English to try and make sense of it, and was contemplating creating an account there (which would probably not be too easy) and then I read Bart Roberts' report that if one is out of Japan, one may be out of luck. (Hope you'll take care of Bart's request..)
