[URL] inside [CODE]


Aug 31, 2009

I am not sure this is bug or not, After editing or creating the thread/post URL automatically adds inside the CODE. Noticed this 2 days ago and now still happening..


>> http://i.imgur.com/OKRDfQS.png


>> http://i.imgur.com/8y3mqXj.png

Another weird thing I faced when creating this thread... URL also adding to IMG and extra http. It seems the site adds URL wherever http:// is .
>> http://i.imgur.com/bRdBgPG.png

please check : )
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That is the "Rich Text Editor", which is the default, try using the BBCode Editor option instead. I use both myself.
don't use the code-tag :/
this is verry annoying.

should "hopefully" be fixed asap the cache renews itself.
That is the "Rich Text Editor", which is the default, try using the BBCode Editor option instead. I use both myself.

Both have same results anyway, just different edit method.

@C00Lzero : I used to code-tag :/ adding links in code-tag makes (for me) where is where and kinda sorted. Hope this resolves soon.

Thanks for the replies :)

EDIT: No more URL in CODE now. Thanks again. : )
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The reason why both CoolKevin and Colweb were conducting those tests above was because I decided to make their lives a living nightmare by throwing out a question at "Chat"... and the question was:

How Do You Tag a Member?

(As with Colweb's example in the post directly above, a straight link with a member's name, with the "@" sign before it.) The answer was, simply type the "@" sign, followed by the member's name. I had already tried that, and it didn't work... then Colweb suggested:

[ USER=17968 ] @ CoolKevin [ /USER ]

(Close up the spaces; when you do, you get this: @CoolKevin )

So if the straight "@" + "Member's Name" does not work for you either, simply follow that formula above. You can get the number of a member by hovering your mouse over a member's linked name, or in the URL from the member's profile page. (And boy, don't I love to get somebody's number. Admit it, you do too.)

(A wonderful member had once educated me on how to perform this little magic act, but naturally I forgot. And I could not find instructions anywhere on the site, such as the "Help" section at the bottom of each page.)

Now that we've taken care of the "How," we should also address the "Why." Why tag a member? The reason for me was, the times I got tagged, I noticed an "Alert." So in my case, if you'd like a member to be aware of your having mentioned that member in one of your posts... you tag 'em.

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I've done this tagging a few times since, and it's funny... sometimes when I put the "@" symbol in front of a member's name, the link forms automatically... but other times there is no link, and I need to resort to the BB code "trick" that Colweb was kind enough to let me in on. (Or maybe I should say... @colweb! Just curious to see whether that will come through, after I post.) (I am back, after posting. It did come through.)

The reason why I'm composing this post is really to tell you... well, do you remember the "EDIT" of mine from the last post, in regard to "Why tag a member"? (If you don't remember, it's directly above and you don't have to do any scrolling, for God's sake.) Since I wrote that, I coincidentally encountered several examples where other members had tagged me with this format, but... I never received the alerts! If that is now the case, where we no longer are alerted when we get tagged, I suppose there is no reason to tag anyone. (But I'll keep tagging anyway, in cases where I'd like members to know they have been mentioned... just in case.)

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