Vistors/Members online

I just noticed that today, July 15th, at 1715, Akiba had 11 186 vistors and members online. Can this be true? I was wondering why it was tough to open a page at Akiba earlier, I guess that would explain it.
some attachments have been hotlinked somewhere with a lot of traffic. It caused the forum to crash a few times too.

I've had to disable guest attachments in the IV torrents forum until this cools down.
i had actually thought it was my browser. xD
i had actually thought it was my browser. xD

I do encounter the same problem occassionally in the past. Correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe Administrators and Moderators of Akiba can set the server to restrict only REGISTERED members can logon since cookies of all registered members are stored in the server.

Through this way, members are given this previlege to convinently logon without disruption. After all, for anyone to make a registration is not that troublesome from the way I've experienced it through.

Maybe other registered members may have even better ideas to minimise this type of frustration.

The number of visitors also includes search engine spider bots.
Yahoo's bots sometimes go crazy on web forums. It sends a hundred of them at the same time to go through the entire architecture. That slows down a forum's response time considerably. :furious:
Has A-O experienced this phenomenon?
The number of visitors also includes search engine spider bots.
Yahoo's bots sometimes go crazy on web forums. It sends a hundred of them at the same time to go through the entire architecture. That slows down a forum's response time considerably. :furious:
Has A-O experienced this phenomenon?

Haa haa haa ! A good term addressing these search engine users finding for something they want - spider bots ! Maybe spider bots should be issued with a 2nd grade citizenship. That is priority are given only to registered users and when these spider bots are being directed via search engines, they will not be given a chance to read that forum page until slots are available.

Simply go with a page saying site is busy and pls try again later. Through this way, it may help registered member being reserved with that previlege for a smooth logon whenever they wish. How about implementing this it way?