
Akiba Citizen
Jun 20, 2007
Ashamed to admit, but I am completely clueless on VR. My question is, how can I watch VR on my MacBook Pro computer-it's 3-4 years old. It appears that all the vr goggles are made to view VR on a cell phone, but I want to view on my laptop. Also, 3D- found some JAV on the web downloaded a 3D player and bought some cheap red/blue goggles- no soap. If anyone cares to reply, I would appreciate it.
We care around here :cool:

Unless I’m horribly wrong there is so far no immediate plans for Oculus, anyway, to be Mac compatible. Other than that, Vive is supposedly coming to the Mac this year, I believe. And of course, phone versions, but you don’t want that. I don’t know how you can view VR on a Mac, really.

Once you get things figured out, though, hop over to the buzzing VR threads below. Maybe read around it and see if anyone is using a Mac at all, I really don’t remember seeing it, though.


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Casshern2 - thanks very much. That seems to be what I have found online, but wanted to check before I invest in anything. I will check that thread.
At the moment I don't know of any VF headset that is compatible with any Mac system. I would recommend that you purchase a cheap VR headset that is compatible with your mobile device.