A new version of this internet
radio receiver (WebSDR)
The best that exists today
What does Long Wave (LW), have
Medium Wave (MW) and Short Wave (SW)
In this new version, this SDR receiver, work in
all tablets, phones with Android and by chance
in Windows also
To be able to tune something, you have to move
the Specter, Which is seen in the rectangle with
the cursor in Windows
With the Finger if you are using Android on a
Tablet, Phone and automatically, the frequency
will be moved
Follow instructions on the top; And activate
or disconnect some interesting functions that
it brings
Have fun; Good listening
One Video Example.
WEB-SDR mit iPhone - WEB-SDR in my iPhone
This is an experimental version of the University
of Twente's (Netherlands) WebSDR receiver for
smartphones and tablets
The best in the world In its genre
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