let me see if i can save this with some discussion. the film (rct-502) is marvelously entitled "World Stuffed Cans Stuffed Begins To Hit A Girl Who Suddenly One Day", although some killjoy here re-translated it as "A World in Which Suddenly One Day Stuffed Animals Go After Pretty Girls~Stuffed Animal Debauchery". it has already engendered some debate in the thread "Dumb Moments in Jav" which can be found here:
i like this video. while i might admit to the stupidity of its theme, i rarely look for intelligence in my pornography. in fact, years ago i tried to splice in a music track to a similarly themed film. i thought if i could get elvis presley's "(let me be your) teddy bear" onto it as an alternate audio track, the effect might be somewhere between erotic and hilarious. but i'm an old fart with no computer skills and the whole project was a failure. i ended up watching the film and listening to elvis on the record player at the same time... not quite what i originally had in mind.
some of the objections to this video revolve around the bad special effects and evidence of poor editing skills. i myself wondered why they mosaic-ed the stuffed puppy's penis. (anyone who watches japanese bestiality knows that doggie ding-dongs are not considered obscene.) in retrospect, they obviously were using the mosaic to hide the squirt guns, pumps, and whatever types of oozinators they used to produce semen from the stuffed animals. i guess this bothered some people. me, i think if you are going to watch jav, you have to suspend disbelief. otherwise, it's not nearly as much fun.
you can find a torrent link below. i don't know its present health. if no good, you can find working links at the library.