What Are The Ten Companies That Dominate The Internet?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Approximately one in seven people on the planet visited one property website Google in July of 2013.

The websites of Google received over 1,200 million visitors in the month followed by those of Microsoft
Facebook and Yahoo.

An infographic by the portal Statista (specializing in Internet statistics ) shows the 10 companies that dominate
the Internet today ranked by the number of visitors received in the month of July.

The infographic was developed from data collected for a study of Internet measurement company comScore.

The information published by the website Mashable, shows that Google is the world leader in this field
with 1.209 million visitors to web sites owned, followed by Microsoft, with 878 million visitors, and Facebook
with 797 million views in the same month.


Yahoo appears in fourth place with 725 million people visited pages of this company in the month of July 2013.

For its part, the Wikimedia Foundation received 492 million visits in that period in fifth place in the standings.

The other five companies that complete the list of the ten companies that dominate the Internet are, in order
of importance, Amazon.com, Baidu, Tencent, Hong Kong's Alibaba and from Peking the Sohu.com
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It is not just a matter of numbers but also a matter of influence. The companies that push and shove and affect internet policy as well as the companies that support trade and commerce on the internet should not be ignored when talking about domination on the internet. Since you are refering to companies along we can table the matter of goverment influence per se but I would not neglect the companies that have tremendous influence over govermental policy worldwide when it comes to matters of the internet.

The MPAA and RIAA are standouts here though you would have to include the anti-piracy companies across the globe like BREIN that directly work for them. The UKs' new court ordered internet filters are a direct result of them and google responds to over a million takedown requests a month from these companies and has met them in court more than once.

Paypal would also be worthy of mention here as well as other major credit card companies. Money makes the world go round and keeps the internet a profitable place to market goods.

The horse may pull the carriage but does not ignore the motivation of the whip nor resents the wheels that lighten his burden. Corny, I know, but hopefully you get the drift.