What features/services would you like to have on R18.com?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2015
I would like to do an open question to everybody that has use R18.com before.
What kind of features/services would you like to be added on R18.com?
It will be good to know what you guys want/need in the site so we can work on the features that people request the most.
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Yes, a plot summary would be a good idea as there are on DMM. It might avoid visiting two websites at the same time for one movie (maybe I'm the only one who does that tho lol).
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Frontend: Let users leave reviews and award ‘points’ for reviews that meet certain requirements (length, grammar, etc.). Amass enough ‘points’ and you can convert them into movie purchases (be it download or streaming).

Backend: Patrol your affiliates and terminate the ones promoting R18 on stolen content sites (cough javfor.me cough). I know your boss knows and looks away with a blind eye because of the sales they send, but this is just hurting all studios (including R18!) in the long run.
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Because the movie title translations, even within the same series, are *very* inconsistent in quality and terminology.

I noticed that too. Because when I tried to translate some titles, as I don't know a lot of "sex slang" in japanese, I was a bit confused.

Frontend: Let users leave reviews and award ‘points’ for reviews that meet certain requirements (length, grammar, etc.). Amass enough ‘points’ and you can convert them into movie purchases (be it download or streaming).

Backend: Patrol your affiliates and terminate the ones promoting R18 on stolen content sites (cough javfor.me cough). I know your boss knows and looks away with a blind eye because of the sales they send, but this is just hurting all studios (including R18!) in the long run.

This website ... with tons of popup ads, I wonder how people can enjoy watching movies on it.
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I've used R18, DMM and several other JAV hard copy and digital content provides.
Here are some suggestions.

1. Provide better quality video files.
Most of the available content is poorly encoded.
I possess a lot of media files transcoded from my personal DVD and Bluray collection, for digital storage.
So I know quality of R18 videos could be improved significantly with proper transcoding/encoding practices.
Although I strongly dislike DRM content, I would suffer through it if the video quality was great.
That's not the case at the moment.

2. Identical or similar access to content between R18 and DMM.
Most of the times, I end up using DMM rather than R18, because R18's offerings are not as complete as DMM.
It would be great if R18 also had access to all of DMM's contents.
Seeing as both sites seem to run off the same servers, it seems feasible.

3. Exclusive Content.
May it be VR content or Subtitles, it would be nice to see exclusive content once in awhile that is only available on R18.
In its current state, R18 only differs from its competitors by the fact that it has an English website.
Most users can still navigate your Japanese competitors' website with google translate.
Set yourself apart.

4. Community oriented Tag (Genre) and Review system.
Many people use separate 3rd party websites to organize, find, and classify their Japanese AV content.
This is because the system on R18 and DMM is not very thorough or comprehensive.
A lot of the times, there are not enough Tags, Genres, or indicators for titles.
Most of the multi-actress "amateur" content do not have proper actress tags, even though they might be a famous actress.
Providing and option for the subscribed or premium members to add tags, genres, description and reviews would allow R18 to become a true one-stop source for all Japanese AV related information and content.
A tag or description system can be mostly driven and moderated by the community via upvote & downvote system.

ie. A subscriber to that Channel or Purchaser of the video is able to add a new genre/tag to the video.
If it's a newly submitted genre/tag, it's added to the description and starts with 2 upvotes.
If two other members who have subscribed to the channel or purchased the video in question, find that genre/tag to be misleading or incorrect, they can downvote.
The 2 downvotes cancel out the upvotes, and the genre/tag is removed from the description.

Same can be applied to things like Actress names and Reviews.

Would be surprised if any of the suggestions posted on this thread gets implemented
When I had a subscription plan on R18 I got it because I wanted the commodity of immediately being able to watch something whose DVD covers/screenshots appealed to me, rather than having to wait for a DDL/Torrent. Yet the slow stream speeds(quite slower than the free trailer streams were) and assinine DRM media player meant it was anything but practical.

The cast lists for group and dance DVDs are very incomplete.
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A better media player would be great. For me the system is very slow compared to other platforms and I do not want to download all the movies I want to see.

Thanks for your comment! :)
Could you please let me know what player is giving your problems so we can investigate?

The browser player is just an HTML5 Player and the content has CDN so it should not be slow. I would like to investigate more about this and see if we can improve :)
This! You used to do this for a lot of titles, but eventually stopped altogether. I guess a translator stepped down? Because the movie title translations, even within the same series, are *very* inconsistent in quality and terminology.

Thank you for you comment! :)

Actually we have 280,000 + movies and we add around 2000 new movies every month! Yes! 2000 movies! This is something crazy right? :)
I am sorry about this inconsistency, We do have many translators working on the site to keep up with all this tittles, actresses, series names etc that need to be translated. Unfortunately the downside of having many translators is that the same series tittles may be translated by different people :(

It will be good if we could prioritize what tittles would you like to have plot summary as it may be very difficult to add a plot summary to every single tittle. Any idea?
I've used R18, DMM and several other JAV hard copy and digital content provides.
Here are some suggestions.

1. Provide better quality video files.
Most of the available content is poorly encoded.
I possess a lot of media files transcoded from my personal DVD and Bluray collection, for digital storage.
So I know quality of R18 videos could be improved significantly with proper transcoding/encoding practices.
Although I strongly dislike DRM content, I would suffer through it if the video quality was great.
That's not the case at the moment.

2. Identical or similar access to content between R18 and DMM.
Most of the times, I end up using DMM rather than R18, because R18's offerings are not as complete as DMM.
It would be great if R18 also had access to all of DMM's contents.
Seeing as both sites seem to run off the same servers, it seems feasible.

3. Exclusive Content.
May it be VR content or Subtitles, it would be nice to see exclusive content once in awhile that is only available on R18.
In its current state, R18 only differs from its competitors by the fact that it has an English website.
Most users can still navigate your Japanese competitors' website with google translate.
Set yourself apart.

4. Community oriented Tag (Genre) and Review system.
Many people use separate 3rd party websites to organize, find, and classify their Japanese AV content.
This is because the system on R18 and DMM is not very thorough or comprehensive.
A lot of the times, there are not enough Tags, Genres, or indicators for titles.
Most of the multi-actress "amateur" content do not have proper actress tags, even though they might be a famous actress.
Providing and option for the subscribed or premium members to add tags, genres, description and reviews would allow R18 to become a true one-stop source for all Japanese AV related information and content.
A tag or description system can be mostly driven and moderated by the community via upvote & downvote system.

ie. A subscriber to that Channel or Purchaser of the video is able to add a new genre/tag to the video.
If it's a newly submitted genre/tag, it's added to the description and starts with 2 upvotes.
If two other members who have subscribed to the channel or purchased the video in question, find that genre/tag to be misleading or incorrect, they can downvote.
The 2 downvotes cancel out the upvotes, and the genre/tag is removed from the description.

Same can be applied to things like Actress names and Reviews.

Would be surprised if any of the suggestions posted on this thread gets implemented

Thank you for all the great ideas!

1- Agree, this is something that is WIP. It becomes very difficult for old tittles but it is WIP for new tittles.

2- Unfortunately this one is complicated. As you mentioned technically it is very easy to offer exactly the same content as DMM. By the other hand some Studios request specifically that they dont want their content to be sold overseas :(

3- Interesting! What kind of exclusive content would you like to have? This seems something fun to work on :)
At the moment we do have "exclusive" content. Exclusive to DMM/R18.com . Some of the Studios just sell their tittles in DMM/R18.com.
It is true that we do not have content exclusive to R18.com but not in DMM.

4- w0w! this is a cool idea!
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Other ideas:

*Since DMM wants to push R18 as 'the source' for those outside Japan, it would be nice if those who landed on DMM DVD pages (which seem to be pushed more by studios over digital) to be automatically forwarded either to the DMM digital page or better yet, the R18 page for the same movie. Right now you're just given a boilerplate 'content available in your area' message. If the movie does not exist on R18, then just forward to the studio's main page. If the studio doesn't exist on R18, then just forward to R18's main page. You're definitely losing customers by not doing this.

*Open up DMM auctions for foreigners: as in an English interface with the ability to ship abroad. Used panties, signed pictures, etc. are what hardcore fans want. What we just started with Bespoke JAV Porn with RADIX ( self plug time: https://www.zenra.net/jav-order-made-masturbation.htm ) is just the beginning.
Hey R18 love the site. I have been using it regularly for years now.

I second the community generated tags. Because some movies have a lot of good cum swallowing that are not tagged properly. So there are movies with particular genres in them that arnt tagged properly thus fans of those genres miss out on buying them.

It would be really great to me if there was a way to search using an OR statement. Like if I could search for movies tagged with Bukkake or Cum Swallowing or etc and not just get movies that have both.

I think a random movie button would be a neat feature. Would help people discover different and interesting movies they haven't seen before.

I think with user generated tagging system and more robust search features it would make things a lot easier for people to find more of what they want.
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Hey R18

I used to be a PRIME member continuously for few months and I loved it. Couple of suggestions.

- I expected PRIME membership to be One Key to rule them All. Unfortunately, that was not the case and there were many titles that were not available as Prime member. As a suggestion, please come up with an idea to have all titles under Prime or if that is not feasible, another membership title like Uber which has access to all titles in R18
- The search works if we start with Star > Then category > .I found this very annoying. For instance, I wanted to search a specific fetish or category and then find a star who has done that. When we start the search with Category > add the AV star > We have very limited names (based on the total titles). If the Av actress has done only 1 title, user will not be able to know that.
Eg: I need to find Category > Breast Milk > then get a list of all stars, not just top 40 or 50 based on title, even the star that has 1 title under Breast Milk
- Community Tag (I would give +10000) to that. Awesome suggestion. There are some niches which will cater to few, eg "Ass rimming" which is as common as Blowjob in JAV, but there is no specific category for it. "Anal play" is too broad and does not fit the bill; same for "Sniffing"

Keep it coming guys, pretty good stuff!
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Better sorting through my Library or the ability to search my library of videos. More Idol videos from the big name Idol video producers.
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