What Has Happened in the JAV Torrent Section?


Akiba Citizen
Dec 8, 2009
Something has happened; the only poster seems to be Supermax left. All posts by several other posters are suddenly totally gone.

This is upsetting if only for the fact that collectors depend on the "like" option to know if they have previously downloaded a particular film. To have all of this history removed without notice doesn't just punish the "offender" for some posting transgression. It punishes all of us that use the forum.
if referring to 2 members

I think they got hit with spam, perhaps if they read the rules, and complied with them it would never happen
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Thanks for letting me know.

I'm curious, though, when you say "hit by spam" how does this manifest? Does the spam somehow radiate through all of their previous posts to the point that everything has to be removed? Also, were these posters banned? If so, actually a pity because they were contributing a lot of posts that are now simply not available here. I was aware that the rules were not being followed exactly, but I had the feeling that if I or someone else had taken the time to point out the transgressions they would have tried to fix. But, I concede that I have no idea if you or another Mod may have already tried to tell them there was danger. Sorry if I'm too curious, but were any of these posters given any warnings prior to everything being pulled down?
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once the spam has been activated , it deletes everything, and bans, and goes on to a banned list,

1 or 2 posts will get just deleted, more say 10 + warnings will be issued, but as in this case, it was page after page after page, and they was just dumped without info, and how they was found some were fake, it is ok trying just getting elsewhere, but it does need more than that
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