What is the best way to request a re-up of dead links to a movie posted here?


New Member
Jul 26, 2012
I know this is a basic question from a newbie who only recently began browsing this excellent forum, but I wanted to ask it. I just came across a JAV movie that was posted by an active member back in Sept. 2016 on FileJoker, K2s, and Subyshare links. Unfortunately, all the links have died and I'd like to request a re-up from the original poster. Here are my questions:

1) When asking for a re-up, is it better to make the request directly in the thread itself by replying at the bottom or is it better to send a direct message to the member who shared the video?

2) How exactly do I send a direct message to another member on this forum? In other forums I have joined, there is a "PM" button on that person's profile page which I click to send a direct, private message. When I view the profile page of the member on this forum, all I see is "Start a Conversation". Is this what I enter to send that member a request to re-up a video? If not, what should I be doing?

This is an incredible forum with some generous members and I thank everyone in advance for their assistance. Take care.
I must have been busy when you first posted this

possibly best to request in the thread, but some like to get PM's telling them the links are dead

to start a conversation, hover over name, left click on the mouse, that will open a dialogue box, and you have 4 options at the top, profile page is the first, and start a conversation is next to it, and as Casshern2 says, be polite
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Thank you both for your helpful responses. I now have a better idea of how to interact with other members. I appreciate both of your help. Take care.